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(T !== null && (/\[object Array\]|\[object Object\]/.test( ? T : cC) : cC; return cD.replace(/#\{(.+?)\}/g, function (cF, cH) { var cG = cC[cH]; if ("[object Function]" == { cG = cG(cH) } return ("undefined" == typeof cG ? "" : cG) }) } return cD }; a1.format = a1.string.format; a1.dom.removeClass = function (cG, cH) { cG = a1.dom.g(cG); var cE = cG.className.split(/\s+/), cI = cH.split(/\s+/), cC, T = cI.length, cD, cF = 0; for (; cF < T; ++cF) { for (cD = 0, cC = cE.length; cD < cC; ++cD) { if (cE[cD] == cI[cF]) { cE.splice(cD, 1); break } } } cG.className = cE.join(" "); return cG }; a1.removeClass = a1.dom.removeClass; a1.dom.insertHTML = function (cE, T, cD) { cE = a1.dom.g(cE); var cC, cF; if (cE.insertAdjacentHTML) { cE.insertAdjacentHTML(T, cD) } else { cC = cE.ownerDocument.createRange(); T = T.toUpperCase(); if (T == "AFTERBEGIN" || T == "BEFOREEND") { cC.selectNodeContents(cE); cC.collapse(T == "AFTERBEGIN") } else { cF = T == "BEFOREBEGIN"; cC[cF ? 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T.get(cD, cE) : cE[T || cC] } if (T = cG._styleFilter) { cF = T.filter(cC, cF, "get") } return cF }; a1.getStyle = a1.dom.getStyle; if (/opera\/(\d+\.\d)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { a1.browser.opera = +RegExp["\x241"] } a1.browser.isWebkit = /webkit/i.test(navigator.userAgent); a1.browser.isGecko = /gecko/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/like gecko/i.test(navigator.userAgent); a1.browser.isStrict = document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat"; a1.dom.getPosition = function (T) { T = a1.dom.g(T); var cK = a1.dom.getDocument(T), cE = a1.browser, cH = a1.dom.getStyle, cD = cE.isGecko > 0 && cK.getBoxObjectFor && cH(T, "position") == "absolute" && ( === "" || === ""), cI = {left: 0, top: 0}, cG = ( && !cE.isStrict) ? cK.body : cK.documentElement, cL, cC; if (T == cG) { return cI } if (T.getBoundingClientRect) { cC = T.getBoundingClientRect(); cI.left = Math.floor(cC.left) + Math.max(cK.documentElement.scrollLeft, cK.body.scrollLeft); = Math.floor( + Math.max(cK.documentElement.scrollTop, cK.body.scrollTop); 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T.overflow = "hidden"; if (aD(cC).position != "absolute") { T.position = "relative"; T.zIndex = 0 } T.backgroundColor = "#F3F1EC"; T.color = "#000"; T.textAlign = "left" }, _bind: function () { var T = this; T._watchSize = function () { var cC = T.getSize(); if (T.width != cC.width || T.height != cC.height) { var cE = new aB(T.width, T.height); var cF = new a9("onbeforeresize"); cF.size = cE; T.dispatchEvent(cF); T._updateCenterPoint((cC.width - T.width) / 2, (cC.height - T.height) / 2); = (T.width = cC.width) + "px"; = (T.height = cC.height) + "px"; var cD = new a9("onresize"); cD.size = cC; T.dispatchEvent(cD) } }; if (T.config.enableAutoResize) { T.temp.autoResizeTimer = setInterval(T._watchSize, 80) } }, _updateCenterPoint: function (cE, cC, cI, cH) { var cF = this.getMapType().getZoomUnits(this.getZoom()); var cJ = this.projection; var cG = true; if (cI && b4.isInRange(cI)) { this.centerPoint = new b4(cI.lng,; cG = false } var cD = (cI && cH) ? cJ.lngLatToMercator(cI, this.currentCity) : this.mercatorCenter; if (cD) { this.mercatorCenter = new b4(cD.lng + cE * cF, - cC * cF); var T = cJ.mercatorToLngLat(this.mercatorCenter, this.currentCity); if (T && cG) { this.centerPoint = T } } }, zoomTo: function (cE, cC) { if (!aE(cE)) { return } cE = this._getProperZoom(cE).zoom; if (cE == this.zoomLevel) { return } this.lastLevel = this.zoomLevel; this.zoomLevel = cE; var cD; if (cC) { cD = cC } else { if (this.getInfoWindow()) { cD = this.getInfoWindow().getPosition() } } if (cD) { var T = this.pointToPixel(cD, this.lastLevel); this._updateCenterPoint(this.width / 2 - T.x, this.height / 2 - T.y, this.pixelToPoint(T, this.lastLevel), true) } this.dispatchEvent(new a9("onzoomstart")); this.dispatchEvent(new a9("onzoomstartcode")) }, setZoom: function (T) { this.zoomTo(T) }, zoomIn: function (T) { this.zoomTo(this.zoomLevel + 1, T) }, zoomOut: function (T) { this.zoomTo(this.zoomLevel - 1, T) }, panTo: function (T, cC) { if (!(T instanceof b4)) { return } this.mercatorCenter = this.projection.lngLatToMercator(T, this.currentCity); if (b4.isInRange(T)) { this.centerPoint = new b4(T.lng, } else { this.centerPoint = this.projection.mercatorToLngLat(this.mercatorCenter, this.currentCity) } }, panBy: function (cC, T) { cC = Math.round(cC) || 0; T = Math.round(T) || 0; this._updateCenterPoint(-cC, -T) }, addControl: function (T) { if (T && G(T._i)) { T._i(this); this.dispatchEvent(new a9("onaddcontrol", T)) } }, removeControl: function (T) { if (T && G(T.remove)) { T.remove(); this.dispatchEvent(new a9("onremovecontrol", T)) } }, addContextMenu: function (T) { if (T && G(T.initialize)) { T.initialize(this); this.dispatchEvent(new a9("onaddcontextmenu", T)) } }, removeContextMenu: function (T) { if (T && G(T.remove)) { this.dispatchEvent(new a9("onremovecontextmenu", T)); T.remove() } }, addOverlay: function (T) { if (T && G(T._i)) { T._i(this); this.dispatchEvent(new a9("onaddoverlay", T)) } }, removeOverlay: function (T) { if (T && G(T.remove)) { T.remove(); this.dispatchEvent(new a9("onremoveoverlay", T)) } }, clearOverlays: function () { this.dispatchEvent(new a9("onclearoverlays")) }, addTileLayer: function (T) { if (T) { this.dispatchEvent(new a9("onaddtilelayer", T)) } }, removeTileLayer: function (T) { if (T) { this.dispatchEvent(new a9("onremovetilelayer", T)) } }, setMapType: function (cC) { if (this.mapType === cC) { return } var cD = new a9("onsetmaptype"); var T = this.mapType; cD.preMapType = T; this.mapType = this.config.mapType = cC; this.projection = this.mapType.getProjection(); this._updateCenterPoint(0, 0, this.getCenter(), true); this._checkZoom(); var cE = this._getProperZoom(this.getZoom()).zoom; this.zoomTo(cE); this.dispatchEvent(cD); var cD = new a9("onmaptypechange"); cD.zoomLevel = cE; cD.mapType = cC; this.dispatchEvent(cD); if (cC === BMAP_SATELLITE_MAP || cC === BMAP_HYBRID_MAP) { _addStat(5003) } }, setCenter: function (T) { var cD = this; if (T instanceof b4) { cD.panTo(T, {noAnimation: true}) } else { if (bV(T)) { var cC = this._getLocal(); cC.setSearchCompleteCallback(function (cE) { if (cC.getStatus() == 0 && cC._json.result.type == 2) { cD.setCenter(cE.getPoi(0).point); if (BMAP_PERSPECTIVE_MAP.getCityName(T)) { cD.setCurrentCity(T) } } }); } } }, centerAndZoom: function (T, cD) { var cC = this; if (bV(T)) { var cG = cC._getLocal(); cG.setSearchCompleteCallback(function (cH) { if (cG.getStatus() == 0 && cG._json.result.type == 2) { var cJ = cH.getPoi(0).point; var cI = cD || P.getBestLevel(cG._json.content.level, cC); cC.centerAndZoom(cJ, cI); if (BMAP_PERSPECTIVE_MAP.getCityName(T)) { cC.setCurrentCity(T) } } });; return } if (!(T instanceof b4) || !cD) { return } cD = cC._getProperZoom(cD).zoom; cC.lastLevel = cC.zoomLevel || cD; cC.zoomLevel = cD; cC.centerPoint = new b4(T.lng,; cC.mercatorCenter = cC.projection.lngLatToMercator(cC.centerPoint, cC.currentCity); cC.defaultZoomLevel = cC.defaultZoomLevel || cC.zoomLevel; cC.defaultCenter = cC.defaultCenter || cC.centerPoint; var cF = new a9("onload"); var cE = new a9("onloadcode"); cF.point = new b4(T.lng,; cF.pixel = cC.pointToPixel(cC.centerPoint, cC.zoomLevel); cF.zoom = cD; if (!cC.loaded) { cC.loaded = true; cC.dispatchEvent(cF) } cC.dispatchEvent(cE); cC.dispatchEvent(new a9("onmoveend")); if (cC.lastLevel != cC.zoomLevel) { cC.dispatchEvent(new a9("onzoomend")) } }, _getLocal: function () { if (!this.temp.local) { this.temp.local = new aX(1) } return this.temp.local }, reset: function () { this.centerAndZoom(this.defaultCenter, this.defaultZoomLevel, true) }, enableDragging: function () { this.config.enableDragging = true }, disableDragging: function () { this.config.enableDragging = false }, enableInertialDragging: function () { this.config.enableInertialDragging = true }, disableInertialDragging: function () { this.config.enableInertialDragging = false }, enableScrollWheelZoom: function () { this.config.enableWheelZoom = true }, disableScrollWheelZoom: function () { this.config.enableWheelZoom = false }, enableContinuousZoom: function () { this.config.enableContinuousZoom = true }, disableContinuousZoom: function () { this.config.enableContinuousZoom = false }, enableDoubleClickZoom: function () { this.config.enableDblclickZoom = true }, disableDoubleClickZoom: function () { this.config.enableDblclickZoom = false }, enableKeyboard: function () { this.config.enableKeyboard = true }, disableKeyboard: function () { this.config.enableKeyboard = false }, enablePinchToZoom: function () { this.config.enablePinchToZoom = true }, disablePinchToZoom: function () { this.config.enablePinchToZoom = false }, enableAutoResize: function () { this.config.enableAutoResize = true; this._watchSize(); if (!this.temp.autoResizeTimer) { this.temp.autoResizeTimer = setInterval(this._watchSize, 80) } }, disableAutoResize: function () { this.config.enableAutoResize = false; if (this.temp.autoResizeTimer) { clearInterval(this.temp.autoResizeTimer); this.temp.autoResizeTimer = null } }, getSize: function () { return new aB(this.container.clientWidth, this.container.clientHeight) }, getCenter: function () { return this.centerPoint }, getZoom: function () { return this.zoomLevel }, checkResize: function () { this._watchSize() }, _getProperZoom: function (cD) { var cC = this.config.minZoom, T = this.config.maxZoom, cE = false; if (cD < cC) { cE = true; cD = cC } if (cD > T) { cE = true; cD = T } return {zoom: cD, exceeded: cE} }, getContainer: function () { return this.container }, pointToPixel: function (T, cC) { cC = cC || this.getZoom(); return this.projection.pointToPixel(T, cC, this.mercatorCenter, this.getSize(), this.currentCity) }, pixelToPoint: function (T, cC) { cC = cC || this.getZoom(); return this.projection.pixelToPoint(T, cC, this.mercatorCenter, this.getSize(), this.currentCity) }, pointToOverlayPixel: function (T, cD) { if (!T) { return } var cE = new b4(T.lng,; var cC = this.pointToPixel(cE, cD); cC.x -= this.offsetX; cC.y -= this.offsetY; return cC }, overlayPixelToPoint: function (T, cD) { if (!T) { return } var cC = new bn(T.x, T.y); cC.x += this.offsetX; cC.y += this.offsetY; return this.pixelToPoint(cC, cD) }, getBounds: function () { if (!this.isLoaded()) { return new bF() } var cC = arguments[0] || {}, cE = cC.margins || [0, 0, 0, 0], T = cC.zoom || null, cF = this.pixelToPoint({x: cE[3], y: this.height - cE[2]}, T), cD = this.pixelToPoint({x: this.width - cE[1], y: cE[0]}, T); return new bF(cF, cD) }, isLoaded: function () { return !!this.loaded }, _getBestLevel: function (cC, cD) { var cG = this.getMapType(); var cI = cD.margins || [10, 10, 10, 10], cF = cD.zoomFactor || 0, cJ = cI[1] + cI[3], cH = cI[0] + cI[2], T = cG.getMinZoom(), cL = cG.getMaxZoom(); for (var cE = cL; cE >= T; cE--) { var cK = this.getMapType().getZoomUnits(cE); if (cC.toSpan().lng / cK < this.width - cJ && cC.toSpan().lat / cK < this.height - cH) { break } } cE += cF; if (cE < T) { cE = T } if (cE > cL) { cE = cL } return cE }, getViewport: function (cK, cC) { var cO = {center: this.getCenter(), zoom: this.getZoom()}; if (!cK || !cK instanceof bF && cK.length == 0 || cK instanceof bF && cK.isEmpty()) { return cO } var cM = []; if (cK instanceof bF) { cM.push(cK.getNorthEast()); cM.push(cK.getSouthWest()) } else { cM = cK.slice(0) } cC = cC || {}; var cG = []; for (var cH = 0, cF = cM.length; cH < cF; cH++) { cG.push(this.projection.lngLatToMercator(cM[cH], this.currentCity)) } var cD = new bF(); for (var cH = cG.length - 1; cH >= 0; cH--) { cD.extend(cG[cH]) } if (cD.isEmpty()) { return cO } var T = cD.getCenter(); var cN = this._getBestLevel(cD, cC); if (cC.margins) { var cJ = cC.margins, cI = (cJ[1] - cJ[3]) / 2, cL = (cJ[0] - cJ[2]) / 2, cE = this.getMapType().getZoomUnits(cN); T.lng = T.lng + cE * cI; = + cE * cL } T = this.projection.mercatorToLngLat(T, this.currentCity); return {center: T, zoom: cN} }, setViewport: function (cC, cF) { var T; if (cC && { T = cC } else { T = this.getViewport(cC, cF) } cF = cF || {}; var cD = cF.delay || 200; if (T.zoom == this.zoomLevel && cF.enableAnimation != false) { var cE = this; setTimeout(function () { cE.panTo(, {duration: 210}) }, cD) } else { this.centerAndZoom(, T.zoom) } }, getPanes: function () { return this._panes }, getInfoWindow: function () { if (this.temp.infoWin && this.temp.infoWin.isOpen()) { return this.temp.infoWin } return null }, getDistance: function (cD, T) { if (!cD || !T) { return } var cC = 0; cC = a3.getDistanceByLL(cD, T); return cC }, getOverlays: function () { var cE = [], cF = this._overlays, cD = this._customOverlays; if (cF) { for (var cC in cF) { if (cF[cC] instanceof U) { cE.push(cF[cC]) } } } if (cD) { for (var cC = 0, T = cD.length; cC < T; cC++) { cE.push(cD[cC]) } } return cE }, getMapType: function () { return this.mapType }, _asyncRegister: function () { for (var T = this.temp.registerIndex; T < BMap._register.length; T++) { BMap._register[T](this) } this.temp.registerIndex = T }, setCurrentCity: function (T) { this.currentCity = BMAP_PERSPECTIVE_MAP.getCityName(T); this.cityCode = BMAP_PERSPECTIVE_MAP.getCityCode(this.currentCity) }, setDefaultCursor: function (T) { this.config.defaultCursor = T; if (this.platform) { = this.config.defaultCursor } }, getDefaultCursor: function () { return this.config.defaultCursor }, setDraggingCursor: function (T) { this.config.draggingCursor = T }, getDraggingCursor: function () { return this.config.draggingCursor }, highResolutionEnabled: function () { return this.config.enableHighResolution && window.devicePixelRatio > 1 }, addHotspot: function (cC) { if (cC instanceof cd) { this._hotspots[cC.guid] = cC; cC.initialize(this) } var T = this; cr.load("hotspot", function () { T._asyncRegister() }) }, removeHotspot: function (T) { if (this._hotspots[T.guid]) { delete this._hotspots[T.guid] } }, clearHotspots: function () { this._hotspots = {} }, _checkZoom: function () { var cC = this.mapType.getMinZoom(); var cD = this.mapType.getMaxZoom(); var T = this.config; T.minZoom = T.userMinZoom || cC; T.maxZoom = T.userMaxZoom || cD; if (T.minZoom < cC) { T.minZoom = cC } if (T.maxZoom > cD) { T.maxZoom = cD } }, setMinZoom: function (T) { if (T > this.config.maxZoom) { T = this.config.maxZoom } this.config.userMinZoom = T; this._updateZoom() }, setMaxZoom: function (T) { if (T < this.config.minZoom) { T = this.config.minZoom } this.config.userMaxZoom = T; this._updateZoom() }, _updateZoom: function () { this._checkZoom(); var T = this.config; if (this.zoomLevel < T.minZoom) { this.setZoom(T.minZoom) } else { if (this.zoomLevel > T.maxZoom) { this.setZoom(T.maxZoom) } } var cC = new a9("onzoomspanchange"); cC.minZoom = T.minZoom; cC.maxZoom = T.maxZoom; this.dispatchEvent(cC) } }); window.BMAP_API_VERSION = "1.2"; window.BMAP_COORD_LNGLAT = 0; window.BMAP_COORD_MERCATOR = 1; window.BMAP_SYS_DRAWER = 0; window.BMAP_SVG_DRAWER = 1; window.BMAP_VML_DRAWER = 2; window.BMAP_CANVAS_DRAWER = 3; window._addStat = function (cG, cF) { if (!cG) { return } cF = cF || {}; 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if (aE(T.delay)) { var cD = this; setTimeout(function () { cD.start() }, T.delay) } else { if (T.delay != g.INFINITE) { this.start() } } } g.INFINITE = "INFINITE"; g.prototype.start = function () { this._beginTime = az(); this._endTime = this._beginTime + this._opts.duration; this._launch() }; g.prototype.add = function (T) { this._anis.push(T) }; g.prototype._launch = function () { var cD = this; var T = az(); if (T >= cD._endTime) { if (G(cD._opts.render)) { cD._opts.render(cD._opts.transition(1)) } if (G(cD._opts.finish)) { cD._opts.finish() } if (cD._anis.length > 0) { var cC = cD._anis[0]; cC._anis = [].concat(cD._anis.slice(1)); cC.start() } return } cD.schedule = cD._opts.transition((T - cD._beginTime) / cD._opts.duration); if (G(cD._opts.render)) { cD._opts.render(cD.schedule) } if (!cD.terminative) { cD._timer = setTimeout(function () { cD._launch() }, 1000 / cD._opts.fps) } }; g.prototype.stop = function (cC) { this.terminative = true; for (var T = 0; T < this._anis.length; T++) { this._anis[T].stop(); this._anis[T] = null } this._anis.length = 0; if (this._timer) { clearTimeout(this._timer); this._timer = null } this._opts.onStop(this.schedule); if (cC) { this._endTime = this._beginTime; this._launch() } }; g.prototype.cancel = function () { if (this._timer) { clearTimeout(this._timer) } this._endTime = this._beginTime; this.schedule = 0 }; g.prototype.setFinishCallback = function (T) { if (this._anis.length > 0) { this._anis[this._anis.length - 1]._opts.finish = T } else { this._opts.finish = T } }; var aq = { linear: function (T) { return T }, reverse: function (T) { return 1 - T }, easeInQuad: function (T) { return T * T }, easeInCubic: function (T) { return Math.pow(T, 3) }, easeOutQuad: function (T) { return -(T * (T - 2)) }, easeOutCubic: function (T) { return Math.pow((T - 1), 3) + 1 }, easeInOutQuad: function (T) { if (T < 0.5) { return T * T * 2 } else { return -2 * (T - 2) * T - 1 } return }, easeInOutCubic: function (T) { if (T < 0.5) { return Math.pow(T, 3) * 4 } else { return Math.pow(T - 1, 3) * 4 + 1 } }, easeInOutSine: function (T) { return (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * T)) / 2 } }; 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T.stopPropagation() : T.cancelBubble = true } function ct(T) { var T = window.event || T; T.preventDefault ? T.preventDefault() : T.returnValue = false; return false } function cf(T) { aJ(T); return ct(T) } function cx() { var T = document.documentElement, cC = document.body; if (T && (T.scrollTop || T.scrollLeft)) { return [T.scrollTop, T.scrollLeft] } else { if (cC) { return [cC.scrollTop, cC.scrollLeft] } else { return [0, 0] } } } function ck(cC, T) { if (!cC || !T) { return } return Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(cC.x - T.x, 2) + Math.pow(cC.y - T.y, 2))) } function M(T, cD) { var cC = []; cD = cD || function (cF) { return cF }; for (var cE in T) { cC.push(cE + "=" + cD(T[cE])) } return cC.join("&") } function W(cC, T, cD) { var cE = document.createElement(cC); if (cD) { cE = document.createElementNS(cD, cC) } return a1.dom.setAttrs(cE, T || {}) } function aD(T) { if (T.currentStyle) { return T.currentStyle } else { if (T.ownerDocument && T.ownerDocument.defaultView) { return T.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(T, null) } } } function G(T) { return typeof T == "function" } function aE(T) { return typeof T == "number" } function bV(T) { return typeof T == "string" } function b8(T) { return typeof T != "undefined" } function cA(T) { return typeof T == "object" } function aS(T) { return "[object Array]" == } var b6 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; function bN(cE) { var cC = ""; var cL, cJ, cH = ""; var cK, cI, cG, cF = ""; var cD = 0; var T = /[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g; if (!cE || T.exec(cE)) { return cE } cE = cE.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); do { cK = b6.indexOf(cE.charAt(cD++)); cI = b6.indexOf(cE.charAt(cD++)); cG = b6.indexOf(cE.charAt(cD++)); cF = b6.indexOf(cE.charAt(cD++)); cL = (cK << 2) | (cI >> 4); cJ = ((cI & 15) << 4) | (cG >> 2); cH = ((cG & 3) << 6) | cF; cC = cC + String.fromCharCode(cL); if (cG != 64) { cC = cC + String.fromCharCode(cJ) } if (cF != 64) { cC = cC + String.fromCharCode(cH) } cL = cJ = cH = ""; cK = cI = cG = cF = "" } while (cD < cE.length); return cC } var a9 = a1.lang.Event; function av() { return !!(a1.platform.isIphone || a1.platform.isIpad || a1.platform.isAndroid) } function bG() { return !!(a1.platform.isWindows || a1.platform.isMacintosh || a1.platform.isX11) } function az() { return (new Date).getTime() } var co = { request: function (cC) { var T = W("script", {src: cC, type: "text/javascript", charset: "utf-8"}); 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this.pushUniqueMdl(cC); var cD = this; if (cD.delayFlag == false) { cD.delayFlag = true; window.setTimeout(function () { var cF = cD.Config._baseUrl + "&mod=" + cD.Module._arrMdls.join(","); co.request(cF); cD.Module._arrMdls.length = 0; cD.delayFlag = false }, 1) } T._status = this.Request.WAITING } T._callbacks.push(cE) } }, combine: function (T) { if (T && this.Dependency[T]) { var cD = this.Dependency[T]; for (var cC = 0; cC < cD.length; cC++) { this.combine(cD[cC]); if (!this.Module._modules[cD[cC]]) { this.pushUniqueMdl(cD[cC]) } } } }, pushUniqueMdl: function (cC) { for (var T = 0; T < this.Module._arrMdls.length; T++) { if (this.Module._arrMdls[T] == cC) { return } } this.Module._arrMdls.push(cC) }, run: function (cD, cF) { var cC = this.current(cD); try { eval(cF) } catch (cG) { return } cC._status = this.Request.COMPLETED; for (var cE = 0, T = cC._callbacks.length; cE < T; cE++) { cC._callbacks[cE]() } cC._callbacks.length = 0 }, check: function (cC, cD) { var T = this; T.timeout = setTimeout(function () { var cE = T.Module._modules[cC]._status; if (cE != T.Request.COMPLETED) { T.remove(cC); T.load(cC, cD) } else { clearTimeout(T.timeout) } }, T.Config._timeout) }, current: function (cC) { var T; if (!this.Module._modules[cC]) { this.Module._modules[cC] = {}; this.Module._modules[cC]._status = this.Request.INITIAL; this.Module._modules[cC]._callbacks = [] } T = this.Module._modules[cC]; return T }, remove: function (cC) { var T = this.current(cC); delete T } }); window._jsload = function (T, cC) {, cC) }; function bn(T, cC) { this.x = T || 0; this.y = cC || 0 } bn.prototype.equals = function (T) { return T && T.x == this.x && T.y == this.y }; function aB(cC, T) { this.width = cC || 0; this.height = T || 0 } aB.prototype.equals = function (T) { return T && this.width == T.width && this.height == T.height }; function cd(T, cC) { if (!T) { return } this._position = T; this.guid = "spot" + (cd.guid++); cC = cC || {}; this._text = cC.text || ""; this._offsets = cC.offsets ? cC.offsets.slice(0) : [5, 5, 5, 5]; this._userData = cC.userData || null; 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this._setStyle(); this._setPosition(); if (this._container) { this._container._jsobj = this } }, _setStyle: function () { var cC = this._container; if (cC) { var T =; T.position = "absolute"; T.zIndex = this._cZIndex || "10"; T.MozUserSelect = "none"; T.WebkitTextSizeAdjust = "none"; if (!this._opts.printable) { a1.dom.addClass(cC, "BMap_noprint") } a1.on(cC, "contextmenu", cf) } }, remove: function () { this._map = null; if (!this._container) { return } this._container.parentNode && this._container.parentNode.removeChild(this._container); this._container._jsobj = null; this._container = null }, _render: function () { this._container = an(this._map.container, "
"); if (this._visible == false) { a1.dom.hide(this._container) } return this._container }, _setPosition: function () { this.setAnchor(this._opts.anchor) }, setAnchor: function (cE) { if (this.anchorFixed || !aE(cE) || isNaN(cE) || cE < BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT || cE > BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT) { cE = this.defaultAnchor } this._opts = this._opts || {printable: false}; this._opts.offset = this._opts.offset || this.defaultOffset; var cD = this._opts.anchor; this._opts.anchor = cE; if (!this._container) { return } var cG = this._container; var T = this._opts.offset.width; var cF = this._opts.offset.height; = = = = "auto"; switch (cE) { case BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT: = cF + "px"; = T + "px"; break; case BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT: = cF + "px"; = T + "px"; break; case BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT: = cF + "px"; = T + "px"; break; case BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT: = cF + "px"; = T + "px"; break; default: break } var cC = ["TL", "TR", "BL", "BR"]; a1.dom.removeClass(this._container, "anchor" + cC[cD]); a1.dom.addClass(this._container, "anchor" + cC[cE]) }, getAnchor: function () { return this._opts.anchor }, setOffset: function (T) { if (!(T instanceof aB)) { return } this._opts = this._opts || {printable: false}; this._opts.offset = new aB(T.width, T.height); if (!this._container) { return } this.setAnchor(this._opts.anchor) }, getOffset: function () { return this._opts.offset }, getDom: function () { return this._container }, show: function () { if (this._visible == true) { return } this._visible = true; if (this._container) { } }, hide: function () { if (this._visible == false) { return } this._visible = false; if (this._container) { a1.dom.hide(this._container) } }, isPrintable: function () { return !!this._opts.printable }, isVisible: function () { if (!this._container && !this._map) { return false } return !!this._visible } }); window.BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT = 0; window.BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT = 1; window.BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT = 2; window.BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 3; window.BMAP_NAVIGATION_CONTROL_LARGE = 0; window.BMAP_NAVIGATION_CONTROL_SMALL = 1; window.BMAP_NAVIGATION_CONTROL_PAN = 2; window.BMAP_NAVIGATION_CONTROL_ZOOM = 3; function J(T) {; T = T || {}; this._opts = {printable: false, showZoomInfo: true}; a1.object.extend(this._opts, T); this.defaultAnchor = BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT; this.defaultOffset = new aB(10, 10); this.setAnchor(T.anchor); this.setType(T.type); this._asyncLoadCode() } a1.lang.inherits(J, cg, "NavigationControl"); a1.extend(J.prototype, { initialize: function (T) { this._map = T; return this._container }, setType: function (T) { if (aE(T) && T >= BMAP_NAVIGATION_CONTROL_LARGE && T <= BMAP_NAVIGATION_CONTROL_ZOOM) { this._opts.type = T } else { this._opts.type = BMAP_NAVIGATION_CONTROL_LARGE } }, getType: function () { return this._opts.type }, _asyncLoadCode: function () { var T = this; cr.load("control", function () { T._asyncDraw() }) } }); function ai(T) {; T = T || {}; this._opts = {printable: false}; a1.object.extend(this._opts, T); this._copyrightCollection = []; this.defaultAnchor = BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT; this.defaultOffset = new aB(5, 2); this.setAnchor(T.anchor); this._canShow = true; this.blockInfoWindow = false; this._asyncLoadCode() } a1.lang.inherits(ai, cg, "CopyrightControl"); a1.object.extend(ai.prototype, { initialize: function (T) { this._map = T; return this._container }, addCopyright: function (cD) { if (!cD || !aE( || isNaN( { return } var T = {bounds: null, content: ""}; for (var cC in cD) { T[cC] = cD[cC] } var cE = this.getCopyright(; if (cE) { for (var cF in T) { cE[cF] = T[cF] } } else { this._copyrightCollection.push(T) } }, getCopyright: function (cD) { for (var cC = 0, T = this._copyrightCollection.length; cC < T; cC++) { if (this._copyrightCollection[cC].id == cD) { return this._copyrightCollection[cC] } } }, getCopyrightCollection: function () { return this._copyrightCollection }, removeCopyright: function (cD) { for (var cC = 0, T = this._copyrightCollection.length; cC < T; cC++) { if (this._copyrightCollection[cC].id == cD) { r = this._copyrightCollection.splice(cC, 1); cC--; T = this._copyrightCollection.length } } }, _asyncLoadCode: function () { var T = this; cr.load("control", function () { T._asyncDraw() }) } }); function cB(T) {; T = T || {}; this._opts = {printable: false}; this._opts = a1.extend(a1.extend(this._opts, { size: new aB(150, 150), padding: 8, isOpen: false, zoomInterval: 4 }), T); this.defaultAnchor = BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT; this.defaultOffset = new aB(0, 0); this._btnWidth = 15; this._btnHeight = 15; this.setAnchor(T.anchor); this.setSize(this._opts.size); this._asyncLoadCode() } a1.lang.inherits(cB, cg, "OverviewMapControl"); a1.extend(cB.prototype, { initialize: function (T) { this._map = T; return this._container }, setAnchor: function (T) {, T) }, changeView: function () { this.changeView._running = true; this._opts.isOpen = !this._opts.isOpen; if (!this._container) { this.changeView._running = false } }, setSize: function (T) { if (!(T instanceof aB)) { T = new aB(150, 150) } T.width = T.width > 0 ? T.width : 150; T.height = T.height > 0 ? T.height : 150; this._opts.size = T }, getSize: function () { return this._opts.size }, isOpen: function () { return this._opts.isOpen }, _asyncLoadCode: function () { var T = this; cr.load("control", function () { T._asyncDraw() }) } }); function bC(T) {; T = T || {}; this._opts = {printable: false}; this._opts = a1.object.extend(a1.object.extend(this._opts, {color: "black", unit: "metric"}), T); this.defaultAnchor = BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT; this.defaultOffset = new aB(81, 18); this.setAnchor(T.anchor); this._units = { metric: {name: "metric", conv: 1, incon: 1000, u1: "\u7c73", u2: "\u516c\u91cc"}, us: {name: "us", conv: 3.2808, incon: 5280, u1: "\u82f1\u5c3a", u2: "\u82f1\u91cc"} }; if (!this._units[this._opts.unit]) { this._opts.unit = "metric" } this._scaleText = null; this._numberArray = {}; this._asyncLoadCode() } window.BMAP_UNIT_METRIC = "metric"; window.BMAP_UNIT_IMPERIAL = "us"; a1.lang.inherits(bC, cg, "ScaleControl"); a1.object.extend(bC.prototype, { initialize: function (T) { this._map = T; return this._container }, setColor: function (T) { this._opts.color = T + "" }, getColor: function () { return this._opts.color }, setUnit: function (T) { this._opts.unit = this._units[T] && this._units[T].name || this._opts.unit }, getUnit: function () { return this._opts.unit }, _asyncLoadCode: function () { var T = this; cr.load("control", function () { T._asyncDraw() }) } }); window.BMAP_MAPTYPE_CONTROL_HORIZONTAL = 0; window.BMAP_MAPTYPE_CONTROL_DROPDOWN = 1; function aF(T) {; T = T || {}; this._opts = { printable: false, mapTypes: [BMAP_NORMAL_MAP, BMAP_SATELLITE_MAP, BMAP_HYBRID_MAP, BMAP_PERSPECTIVE_MAP], type: BMAP_MAPTYPE_CONTROL_HORIZONTAL }; this.defaultAnchor = BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT; this.defaultOffset = new aB(10, 10); this.setAnchor(T.anchor); this._opts = a1.extend(a1.extend(this._opts, {offset: this.defaultOffset, enableSwitch: true}), T); if (aS(T.mapTypes)) { this._opts.mapTypes = T.mapTypes.slice(0) } this._asyncLoadCode() } a1.lang.inherits(aF, cg, "MapTypeControl"); a1.object.extend(aF.prototype, { initialize: function (T) { this._map = T; return this._container }, _asyncLoadCode: function () { var T = this; cr.load("control", function () { T._asyncDraw() }) } }); function cq(cC) {; this._opts = {container: null, cursor: "default"}; this._opts = a1.extend(this._opts, cC); this._type = "contextmenu"; this._map = null; this._container; this._shadow; this._left = 0; this._top = 0; this._items = []; this._rItems = []; this._dividers = []; this.curPixel = null; this.curPoint = null; this._isOpen = false; var T = this; cr.load("menu", function () { T._draw() }) } a1.lang.inherits(cq, a1.lang.Class, "ContextMenu"); a1.object.extend(cq.prototype, { initialize: function (cC, T) { this._map = cC; this._overlay = T || null }, remove: function () { this._map = this._overlay = null }, addItem: function (cD) { if (!cD || cD._type != "menuitem" || cD._text == "" || cD._width <= 0) { return } for (var cC = 0, T = this._items.length; cC < T; cC++) { if (this._items[cC] === cD) { return } } this._items.push(cD); this._rItems.push(cD) }, removeItem: function (cD) { if (!cD || cD._type != "menuitem") { return } for (var cC = 0, T = this._items.length; cC < T; cC++) { if (this._items[cC] === cD) { this._items[cC].remove(); this._items.splice(cC, 1); T-- } } for (var cC = 0, T = this._rItems.length; cC < T; cC++) { if (this._rItems[cC] === cD) { this._rItems[cC].remove(); this._rItems.splice(cC, 1); T-- } } }, addSeparator: function () { this._items.push({_type: "divider", _dIndex: this._dividers.length}); this._dividers.push({dom: null}) }, removeSeparator: function (cC) { if (!this._dividers[cC]) { return } for (var cD = 0, T = this._items.length; cD < T; cD++) { if (this._items[cD] && this._items[cD]._type == "divider" && this._items[cD]._dIndex == cC) { this._items.splice(cD, 1); T-- } if (this._items[cD] && this._items[cD]._type == "divider" && this._items[cD]._dIndex > cC) { this._items[cD]._dIndex-- } } this._dividers.splice(cC, 1) }, getDom: function () { return this._container }, show: function () { if (this._isOpen == true) { return } this._isOpen = true }, hide: function () { if (this._isOpen == false) { return } this._isOpen = false }, setCursor: function (T) { if (!T) { return } this._opts.cursor = T }, getItem: function (T) { return this._rItems[T] } }); function a7(cD, cE, cC) { if (!cD || !G(cE)) { return }; this._opts = {width: 100, id: ""}; cC = cC || {}; this._opts.width = (cC.width * 1) ? cC.width : 100; = ? : ""; this._text = cD + ""; this._callback = cE; this._map = null; this._type = "menuitem"; this._contextmenu = null; this._container = null; this._enabled = true; var T = this; cr.load("menu", function () { T._draw() }) } a1.lang.inherits(a7, a1.lang.Class, "MenuItem"); a1.object.extend(a7.prototype, { initialize: function (T, cC) { this._map = T; this._contextmenu = cC }, remove: function () { this._contextmenu = null; this._map = null }, setText: function (T) { if (!T) { return } this._text = T + "" }, getDom: function () { return this._container }, enable: function () { this._enabled = true }, disable: function () { this._enabled = false } }); function bF(T, cC) { if (T && !cC) { cC = T } this._sw = this._ne = null; this._swLng = this._swLat = null; this._neLng = this._neLat = null; if (T) { this._sw = new b4(T.lng,; this._ne = new b4(cC.lng,; this._swLng = T.lng; this._swLat =; this._neLng = cC.lng; this._neLat = } } a1.object.extend(bF.prototype, { isEmpty: function () { return !this._sw || !this._ne }, equals: function (T) { if (!(T instanceof bF) || this.isEmpty()) { return false } return this.getSouthWest().equals(T.getSouthWest()) && this.getNorthEast().equals(T.getNorthEast()) }, getSouthWest: function () { return this._sw }, getNorthEast: function () { return this._ne }, containsBounds: function (T) { if (!(T instanceof bF) || this.isEmpty() || T.isEmpty()) { return false } return (T._swLng > this._swLng && T._neLng < this._neLng && T._swLat > this._swLat && T._neLat < this._neLat) }, getCenter: function () { if (this.isEmpty()) { return null } return new b4((this._swLng + this._neLng) / 2, (this._swLat + this._neLat) / 2) }, intersects: function (cD) { if (!(cD instanceof bF)) { return null } if (Math.max(cD._swLng, cD._neLng) < Math.min(this._swLng, this._neLng) || Math.min(cD._swLng, cD._neLng) > Math.max(this._swLng, this._neLng) || Math.max(cD._swLat, cD._neLat) < Math.min(this._swLat, this._neLat) || Math.min(cD._swLat, cD._neLat) > Math.max(this._swLat, this._neLat)) { return null } var cF = Math.max(this._swLng, cD._swLng); var cC = Math.min(this._neLng, cD._neLng); var cE = Math.max(this._swLat, cD._swLat); var T = Math.min(this._neLat, cD._neLat); return new bF(new b4(cF, cE), new b4(cC, T)) }, containsPoint: function (T) { if (!(T instanceof b4) || this.isEmpty()) { return false } return (T.lng >= this._swLng && T.lng <= this._neLng && >= this._swLat && <= this._neLat) }, extend: function (T) { if (!(T instanceof b4)) { return } var cC = T.lng, cD =; if (!this._sw) { this._sw = new b4(0, 0) } if (!this._ne) { this._ne = new b4(0, 0) } if (!this._swLng || this._swLng > cC) { this._sw.lng = this._swLng = cC } if (!this._neLng || this._neLng < cC) { this._ne.lng = this._neLng = cC } if (!this._swLat || this._swLat > cD) { = this._swLat = cD } if (!this._neLat || this._neLat < cD) { = this._neLat = cD } }, toSpan: function () { if (this.isEmpty()) { return new b4(0, 0) } return new b4(Math.abs(this._neLng - this._swLng), Math.abs(this._neLat - this._swLat)) } }); function b4(T, cC) { if (isNaN(T)) { T = bN(T); T = isNaN(T) ? 0 : T } if (bV(T)) { T = parseFloat(T) } if (isNaN(cC)) { cC = bN(cC); cC = isNaN(cC) ? 0 : cC } if (bV(cC)) { cC = parseFloat(cC) } this.lng = T; = cC } b4.isInRange = function (T) { return T && T.lng <= 180 && T.lng >= -180 && <= 74 && >= -74 }; b4.prototype.equals = function (T) { return T && == && this.lng == T.lng }; function a6() { } a6.prototype.lngLatToPoint = function () { throw"lngLatToPoint\u65b9\u6cd5\u672a\u5b9e\u73b0" }; a6.prototype.pointToLngLat = function () { throw"pointToLngLat\u65b9\u6cd5\u672a\u5b9e\u73b0" }; function bX() { } a1.extend(bX, { num: { bj: {num: Math.sin(Math.PI / 4), num2: Math.sin(Math.PI / 6)}, gz: {num: Math.sin(Math.PI / 4), num2: Math.sin(Math.PI / 4)}, sz: {num: Math.sin(Math.PI / 4), num2: Math.sin(Math.PI / 4)}, sh: {num: Math.sin(Math.PI / 4), num2: Math.sin(Math.PI / 4)} }, correct_pts: { bj: [{ j: 116.305687, w: 39.990912, utm_x: 12947230.73, utm_y: 4836903.65, x: 630412, y: 547340 }, { j: 116.381837, w: 40.000198, utm_x: 12955707.8, utm_y: 4838247.62, x: 667412, y: 561832 }, { j: 116.430651, w: 39.995216, utm_x: 12961141.81, utm_y: 4837526.55, x: 686556, y: 573372 }, { j: 116.474111, w: 39.976323, utm_x: 12965979.81, utm_y: 4834792.55, x: 697152, y: 586816 }, { j: 116.280328, w: 39.953159, utm_x: 12944407.75, utm_y: 4831441.53, x: 603272, y: 549976 }, { j: 116.316117, w: 39.952496, utm_x: 12948391.8, utm_y: 4831345.64, x: 618504, y: 557872 }, { j: 116.350477, w: 39.938107, utm_x: 12952216.78, utm_y: 4829264.65, x: 627044, y: 568220 }, { j: 116.432025, w: 39.947158, utm_x: 12961294.76, utm_y: 4830573.59, x: 666280, y: 584016 }, { j: 116.46873, w: 39.949516, utm_x: 12965380.79, utm_y: 4830914.63, x: 683328, y: 591444 }, { j: 116.280077, w: 39.913823, utm_x: 12944379.8, utm_y: 4825753.62, x: 586150, y: 558552 }, { j: 116.308625, w: 39.91374, utm_x: 12947557.79, utm_y: 4825741.62, x: 598648, y: 564732 }, { j: 116.369853, w: 39.912979, utm_x: 12954373.73, utm_y: 4825631.62, x: 624561, y: 578039 }, { j: 116.433552, w: 39.914694, utm_x: 12961464.75, utm_y: 4825879.53, x: 652972, y: 591348 }, { j: 116.457034, w: 39.914273, utm_x: 12964078.78, utm_y: 4825818.67, x: 663028, y: 596444 }, { j: 116.490927, w: 39.914127, utm_x: 12967851.77, utm_y: 4825797.57, x: 677968, y: 604188 }, { j: 116.483839, w: 39.877198, utm_x: 12967062.73, utm_y: 4820460.67, x: 658596, y: 610312 }, { j: 116.405777, w: 39.864461, utm_x: 12958372.82, utm_y: 4818620.62, x: 619256, y: 596088 }, {j: 116.35345, w: 39.859774, utm_x: 12952547.74, utm_y: 4817943.6, x: 594633, y: 585851}, { j: 116.403818, w: 39.9141, utm_x: 12958154.74, utm_y: 4825793.66, x: 639699, y: 585226 }, { j: 116.318111, w: 39.891101, utm_x: 12948613.78, utm_y: 4822469.56, x: 592856, y: 571480 }, { j: 116.413047, w: 39.907238, utm_x: 12959182.12, utm_y: 4824801.76, x: 640680, y: 588704 }, { j: 116.390843, w: 39.906113, utm_x: 12956710.35, utm_y: 4824639.16, x: 630620, y: 584108 }, { j: 116.446527, w: 39.899438, utm_x: 12962909.14, utm_y: 4823674.4, x: 651752, y: 597416 }, {j: 116.388665, w: 39.95527, utm_x: 12956467.9, utm_y: 4831746.87, x: 650656, y: 572800}, { j: 116.398343, w: 39.939704, utm_x: 12957545.26, utm_y: 4829495.6, x: 648036, y: 578452 }, { j: 116.355101, w: 39.973581, utm_x: 12952731.53, utm_y: 4834395.82, x: 643268, y: 560944 }, { j: 116.380727, w: 39.88464, utm_x: 12955584.23, utm_y: 4821535.94, x: 616920, y: 586496 }, { j: 116.360843, w: 39.946452, utm_x: 12953370.73, utm_y: 4830471.48, x: 635293, y: 568765 }, { j: 116.340955, w: 39.973421, utm_x: 12951156.79, utm_y: 4834372.67, x: 638420, y: 558632 }, { j: 116.322585, w: 40.023941, utm_x: 12949111.83, utm_y: 4841684.79, x: 652135, y: 543802 }, { j: 116.356486, w: 39.883341, utm_x: 12952885.71, utm_y: 4821348.24, x: 606050, y: 581443 }, {j: 116.339592, w: 39.992259, utm_x: 12951005.06, utm_y: 4837098.59, x: 645664, y: 554400}, { j: 116.3778, w: 39.86392, utm_x: 12955258.4, utm_y: 4818542.48, x: 606848, y: 590328 }, { j: 116.377354, w: 39.964124, utm_x: 12955208.75, utm_y: 4833027.64, x: 649911, y: 568581 }, { j: 116.361837, w: 39.963897, utm_x: 12953481.39, utm_y: 4832994.8, x: 643286, y: 565175 }, { j: 116.441397, w: 39.939403, utm_x: 12962338.06, utm_y: 4829452.07, x: 666772, y: 587728 }, {j: 116.359176, w: 40.006631, utm_x: 12953185.16, utm_y: 4839178.78, x: 660440, y: 555411}], sz: [{ j: 113.88099, w: 22.58884, utm_x: 12677311.76, utm_y: 2565810.52, x: 569078, y: 532290 }, { j: 113.902002, w: 22.566098, utm_x: 12679650.83, utm_y: 2563084.58, x: 568318, y: 545457 }, { j: 113.869843, w: 22.577711, utm_x: 12676070.87, utm_y: 2564476.5, x: 561115, y: 532494 }, { j: 113.943387, w: 22.555192, utm_x: 12684257.84, utm_y: 2561777.5, x: 579437, y: 558427 }, { j: 113.899505, w: 22.577052, utm_x: 12679372.86, utm_y: 2564397.51, x: 571923, y: 540181 }, { j: 113.900376, w: 22.596431, utm_x: 12679469.82, utm_y: 2566720.51, x: 580142, y: 535463 }, { j: 113.92101, w: 22.528931, utm_x: 12681766.81, utm_y: 2558630.58, x: 560296, y: 559780 }, { j: 113.919672, w: 22.517839, utm_x: 12681617.86, utm_y: 2557301.57, x: 555296, y: 562549 }, { j: 113.938716, w: 22.505569, utm_x: 12683737.86, utm_y: 2555831.55, x: 557349, y: 571072 }, { j: 113.919203, w: 22.483494, utm_x: 12681565.66, utm_y: 2553187.17, x: 540853, y: 572118 }, {j: 113.942875, w: 22.492046, utm_x: 12684200.84, utm_y: 2554211.57, x: 553296, y: 575994}, { j: 113.9567, w: 22.530183, utm_x: 12685739.85, utm_y: 2558780.59, x: 573378, y: 568442 }, { j: 113.989102, w: 22.52697, utm_x: 12689346.86, utm_y: 2558395.61, x: 584796, y: 578728 }, { j: 114.015467, w: 22.533746, utm_x: 12692281.83, utm_y: 2559207.53, x: 597126, y: 584075 }, { j: 113.972977, w: 22.55702, utm_x: 12687551.81, utm_y: 2561996.58, x: 591204, y: 565924 }, { j: 113.990368, w: 22.561133, utm_x: 12689487.79, utm_y: 2562489.51, x: 599240, y: 569528 }, {j: 114.143745, w: 22.580535, utm_x: 12706561.83, utm_y: 2564815, x: 663830, y: 605622}, { j: 114.150374, w: 22.557704, utm_x: 12707299.77, utm_y: 2562078.56, x: 657016, y: 613828 }, { j: 114.106905, w: 22.541858, utm_x: 12702460.77, utm_y: 2560179.58, x: 634284, y: 606528 }, { j: 114.083927, w: 22.535065, utm_x: 12699902.85, utm_y: 2559365.58, x: 623132, y: 602096 }, { j: 114.049584, w: 22.517997, utm_x: 12696079.76, utm_y: 2557320.5, x: 603390, y: 597564 }, { j: 114.056304, w: 22.542425, utm_x: 12696827.84, utm_y: 2560247.52, x: 615980, y: 592534 }, { j: 114.051552, w: 22.551321, utm_x: 12696298.84, utm_y: 2561313.59, x: 617887, y: 588719 }, { j: 114.096377, w: 22.559064, utm_x: 12701288.79, utm_y: 2562241.55, x: 637568, y: 598739 }, { j: 114.135858, w: 22.575851, utm_x: 12705683.84, utm_y: 2564253.55, x: 659024, y: 604806 }, { j: 114.092029, w: 22.575592, utm_x: 12700804.77, utm_y: 2564222.51, x: 642776, y: 592932 }, { j: 114.054795, w: 22.570617, utm_x: 12696659.85, utm_y: 2563626.21, x: 626988, y: 584142 }, { j: 114.03075, w: 22.553687, utm_x: 12693983.15, utm_y: 2561597.14, x: 611068, y: 582552 }, { j: 114.074153, w: 22.554124, utm_x: 12698814.8, utm_y: 2561649.51, x: 627380, y: 594008 }, { j: 113.926721, w: 22.546028, utm_x: 12682402.56, utm_y: 2560679.29, x: 569340, y: 556468 }, {j: 113.938125, w: 22.538296, utm_x: 12683672.07, utm_y: 2559752.74, x: 570548, y: 561748}], gz: [{ j: 113.335098, w: 23.147289, utm_x: 12616542.68, utm_y: 2632892.7, x: 1129109, y: 1073920 }, { j: 113.320932, w: 23.146956, utm_x: 12614965.71, utm_y: 2632852.62, x: 1125620, y: 1071640 }, { j: 113.321435, w: 23.140119, utm_x: 12615021.7, utm_y: 2632029.65, x: 1124032, y: 1072882 }, { j: 113.321471, w: 23.119165, utm_x: 12615025.71, utm_y: 2629507.68, x: 1118932, y: 1076530 }, { j: 113.340201, w: 23.118616, utm_x: 12617110.75, utm_y: 2629441.61, x: 1123238, y: 1079667 }, { j: 113.358068, w: 23.116323, utm_x: 12619099.71, utm_y: 2629165.66, x: 1126968, y: 1083116 }, { j: 113.357529, w: 23.131271, utm_x: 12619039.71, utm_y: 2630964.68, x: 1130508, y: 1080440 }, { j: 113.365811, w: 23.150595, utm_x: 12619961.67, utm_y: 2633290.66, x: 1137205, y: 1078567 }, { j: 113.294145, w: 23.118467, utm_x: 12611983.76, utm_y: 2629423.68, x: 1112245, y: 1072043 }, { j: 113.28615, w: 23.121525, utm_x: 12611093.75, utm_y: 2629791.7, x: 1110993, y: 1070197 }, { j: 113.307152, w: 23.055497, utm_x: 12613431.71, utm_y: 2621847.21, x: 1100144, y: 1085123 }, { j: 113.333445, w: 23.052687, utm_x: 12616358.66, utm_y: 2621509.2, x: 1105784, y: 1089948 }, { j: 113.347476, w: 23.048755, utm_x: 12617920.6, utm_y: 2621036.24, x: 1108099, y: 1093064 }, { j: 113.385774, w: 23.036574, utm_x: 12622183.96, utm_y: 2619571.12, x: 1113850, y: 1101834 }, { j: 113.364185, w: 22.89798, utm_x: 12619780.66, utm_y: 2602910.64, x: 1073186, y: 1123374 }, { j: 113.404577, w: 22.906481, utm_x: 12624277.13, utm_y: 2603932.06, x: 1084888, y: 1128692 }, { j: 113.430856, w: 22.913156, utm_x: 12627202.52, utm_y: 2604734.12, x: 1092892, y: 1131761 }, { j: 113.384554, w: 22.933021, utm_x: 12622048.15, utm_y: 2607121.32, x: 1086975, y: 1120403 }, { j: 113.263566, w: 23.146333, utm_x: 12608579.68, utm_y: 2632777.63, x: 1111742, y: 1062098 }, { j: 113.239213, w: 23.152996, utm_x: 12605868.69, utm_y: 2633579.69, x: 1107616, y: 1056740 }, { j: 113.253865, w: 23.131628, utm_x: 12607499.76, utm_y: 2631007.65, x: 1105912, y: 1062966 }, { j: 113.240767, w: 23.088434, utm_x: 12606041.68, utm_y: 2625809.7, x: 1092270, y: 1068184 }, { j: 113.279628, w: 23.088284, utm_x: 12610367.72, utm_y: 2625791.65, x: 1101412, y: 1074883 }, { j: 113.462271, w: 23.107058, utm_x: 12630699.66, utm_y: 2628050.7, x: 1148752, y: 1101736 }, { j: 113.401618, w: 23.052957, utm_x: 12623947.73, utm_y: 2621541.68, x: 1121925, y: 1101535 }, { j: 113.422504, w: 23.05905, utm_x: 12626272.77, utm_y: 2622274.61, x: 1128470, y: 1104049 }, { j: 113.362506, w: 23.107149, utm_x: 12619593.75, utm_y: 2628061.65, x: 1125835, y: 1085505 }, { j: 113.419629, w: 23.143176, utm_x: 12625952.73, utm_y: 2632397.61, x: 1148133, y: 1089052 }, { j: 113.23315, w: 23.062251, utm_x: 12605193.75, utm_y: 2622659.67, x: 1084184, y: 1071368 }, { j: 113.314525, w: 23.101412, utm_x: 12614252.48, utm_y: 2627371.29, x: 1113011, y: 1078426 }, {j: 113.307947, w: 23.131369, utm_x: 12613520.21, utm_y: 2630976.47, x: 1118622, y: 1072198}], sh: [{ j: 121.524411, w: 31.245875, utm_x: 13528182.75, utm_y: 3642354.51, x: 1086581, y: 1065728 }, { j: 121.419229, w: 31.244887, utm_x: 13516473.81, utm_y: 3642226.51, x: 1032616, y: 1029148 }, { j: 121.405637, w: 31.237871, utm_x: 13514960.74, utm_y: 3641317.54, x: 1022724, y: 1027244 }, { j: 121.415348, w: 31.222879, utm_x: 13516041.78, utm_y: 3639375.47, x: 1018548, y: 1036980 }, { j: 121.422561, w: 31.224261, utm_x: 13516844.73, utm_y: 3639554.48, x: 1022976, y: 1038908 }, { j: 121.412581, w: 31.204148, utm_x: 13515733.75, utm_y: 3636949.48, x: 1006568, y: 1043696 }, { j: 121.443025, w: 31.206202, utm_x: 13519122.8, utm_y: 3637215.49, x: 1022656, y: 1053704 }, { j: 121.524061, w: 31.246917, utm_x: 13528143.79, utm_y: 3642489.52, x: 1082052, y: 1064124 }, { j: 121.529343, w: 31.217769, utm_x: 13528731.78, utm_y: 3638713.59, x: 1072696, y: 1079064 }, { j: 121.530268, w: 31.210341, utm_x: 13528834.75, utm_y: 3637751.53, x: 1068748, y: 1082416 }, { j: 121.511601, w: 31.227303, utm_x: 13526756.73, utm_y: 3639948.53, x: 1069276, y: 1068716 }, { j: 121.4966, w: 31.243614, utm_x: 13525086.81, utm_y: 3642061.58, x: 1071220, y: 1056805 }, { j: 121.485021, w: 31.26138, utm_x: 13523797.82, utm_y: 3644363.54, x: 1075708, y: 1045540 }, { j: 121.465114, w: 31.278803, utm_x: 13521581.76, utm_y: 3646621.48, x: 1073740, y: 1031268 }, { j: 121.454784, w: 31.266566, utm_x: 13520431.82, utm_y: 3645035.58, x: 1063591, y: 1033191 }, { j: 121.46851, w: 31.24951, utm_x: 13521959.81, utm_y: 3642825.48, x: 1060200, y: 1044520 }, { j: 121.446384, w: 31.248422, utm_x: 13519496.73, utm_y: 3642684.51, x: 1048784, y: 1037750 }, { j: 121.509499, w: 31.246469, utm_x: 13526522.73, utm_y: 3642431.47, x: 1079309, y: 1060105 }, { j: 121.481643, w: 31.283943, utm_x: 13523421.78, utm_y: 3647287.68, x: 1087096, y: 1035304 }, { j: 121.508054, w: 31.280609, utm_x: 13526361.87, utm_y: 3646855.56, x: 1098432, y: 1045648 }, { j: 121.493854, w: 31.19121, utm_x: 13524781.12, utm_y: 3635274.07, x: 1039624, y: 1077288 }, { j: 121.500079, w: 31.185541, utm_x: 13525474.09, utm_y: 3634540.04, x: 1039960, y: 1081640 }, { j: 121.484482, w: 31.202846, utm_x: 13523737.82, utm_y: 3636780.87, x: 1041388, y: 1069232 }, { j: 121.480877, w: 31.189587, utm_x: 13523336.51, utm_y: 3635063.92, x: 1032484, y: 1073640 }, {j: 121.502652, w: 31.195209, utm_x: 13525760.52, utm_y: 3635791.9, x: 1046384, y: 1078728}] }, getLnglatIndex: function (cE, cI, cH) { var cD = 0; var cC = 0; var cJ = 10000000, cG = 1000000000; for (var cF = 0; cF < this.correct_pts[cE].length; cF++) { var T = this.getDis(this.correct_pts[cE][cF].x, this.correct_pts[cE][cF].y, cI, cH); if (T < cG) { if (T < cJ) { cG = cJ; cJ = T; cC = cD; cD = cF } else { sedMinDis = T; cC = cF } } } return {lt: cD, rb: cC} }, getOMapIndex_mm: function (cE, cJ, cI) { var cD = 0; var cC = 0; var cH = 1294723000, cG = 1294723000; for (var cF = 0; cF < this.correct_pts[cE].length; cF++) { var T = this.getDis(this.correct_pts[cE][cF].utm_x, this.correct_pts[cE][cF].utm_y, cJ, cI); if (T < cG) { if (T < cH) { cG = cH; cH = T; cC = cD; cD = cF } else { sedMinDis = T; cC = cF } } } return {lt: cD, rb: cC} }, getDis: function (T, cE, cC, cD) { return Math.abs(T - cC) + Math.abs(cE - cD) }, toMap: function (cE, T, cF) { var cC = (T - cF) * this.num[cE].num; var cD = (T + cF) * this.num[cE].num * this.num[cE].num2; return {x: cC, y: cD} }, fromMap: function (cE, T, cF) { cF = cF / this.num[cE].num2; var cC = (T + cF) / (this.num[cE].num * 2); var cD = (cF - T) / (this.num[cE].num * 2); return {x: cC, y: cD} }, getDgPix_mm: function (cF, cK, cG) { var cJ = this.fromMap(cF, this.correct_pts[cF][cK].x, this.correct_pts[cF][cK].y); var cH = this.fromMap(cF, this.correct_pts[cF][cG].x, this.correct_pts[cF][cG].y); var cP = cJ.x, cC = cJ.y; var cO = cH.x, T = cH.y; var cM = this.correct_pts[cF][cK].utm_x, cE = this.correct_pts[cF][cK].utm_y; var cI = this.correct_pts[cF][cG].utm_x, cD = this.correct_pts[cF][cG].utm_y; var cN = Math.abs((cI - cM) * 100000 / (cO - cP)); var cL = Math.abs((cD - cE) * 100000 / (T - cC)); return {j: cN, w: cL, x: 100000 / cN, y: 100000 / cL} }, getPx_mm: function (cS, cO, cN, cF, cE) { var cD = this.correct_pts[cS][cF]; var T = this.correct_pts[cS][cF]; var cL = this.getDgPix_mm(cS, cF, cE); var cH = this.fromMap(cS, cD.x, cD.y); var cG = T.utm_x, cU = T.utm_y; var cT = cO, cM = cN; var cR = cH.x; var cC = cH.y; var cJ = cT - cG, cQ = cM - cU; var cK = cJ * cL.x + cR; var cI = -cQ * cL.y + cC; var cP = this.toMap(cS, cK, cI); return cP }, getJw_mm: function (cQ, cL, cK, cG, cF) { var cJ = this.correct_pts[cQ][cG]; var cC = this.correct_pts[cQ][cG]; var cM = this.getDgPix_mm(cQ, cG, cF); var cO = this.fromMap(cQ, cL, cK); var cE = this.fromMap(cQ, cJ.x, cJ.y); var cH = cC.utm_x, cR = cC.utm_y; var cP = cE.x; var cD = cE.y; var cS = cO.x - cP, cN = cD - cO.y; var cI = cS / cM.x + cH; var T = cN / cM.y + cR; return {lng: cI, lat: T} }, getOMap_pts: function (cC, T) { return this.getOMap_index(cC, T.lng,,, T.rb) }, getMapJw_pts: function (cC, T) { return this.getMapJw_index(cC, T.lng, 9998336 -,, T.rb) }, getOMap_index: function (cH, cG, cF, T, cE) { if (!T || !cE) { var cC = this.getOMapIndex_mm(cH, cG, cF) } else { var cC = {lt: T, rb: cE} } var cD = this.getPx_mm(cH, cG, cF,, cC.rb); return {x: Math.floor(cD.x), y: 9998336 - Math.floor(cD.y), lt:, rb: cC.rb} }, getMapJw_index: function (cG, cD, cH, cC, cF) { if (!cC || !cF) { var cE = this.getLnglatIndex(cG, cD, cH) } else { var cE = {lt: cC, rb: cF} } var T = this.getJw_mm(cG, cD, cH,, cE.rb); return {lng: T.lng, lat:, lt:, rb: cE.rb} } }); function a3() { } a3.prototype = new a6(); a1.extend(a3, { EARTHRADIUS: 6370996.81, MCBAND: [12890594.86, 8362377.87, 5591021, 3481989.83, 1678043.12, 0], LLBAND: [75, 60, 45, 30, 15, 0], MC2LL: [[1.410526172116255e-8, 0.00000898305509648872, -1.9939833816331, 200.9824383106796, -187.2403703815547, 91.6087516669843, -23.38765649603339, 2.57121317296198, -0.03801003308653, 17337981.2], [-7.435856389565537e-9, 0.000008983055097726239, -0.78625201886289, 96.32687599759846, -1.85204757529826, -59.36935905485877, 47.40033549296737, -16.50741931063887, 2.28786674699375, 10260144.86], [-3.030883460898826e-8, 0.00000898305509983578, 0.30071316287616, 59.74293618442277, 7.357984074871, -25.38371002664745, 13.45380521110908, -3.29883767235584, 0.32710905363475, 6856817.37], [-1.981981304930552e-8, 0.000008983055099779535, 0.03278182852591, 40.31678527705744, 0.65659298677277, -4.44255534477492, 0.85341911805263, 0.12923347998204, -0.04625736007561, 4482777.06], [3.09191371068437e-9, 0.000008983055096812155, 0.00006995724062, 23.10934304144901, -0.00023663490511, -0.6321817810242, -0.00663494467273, 0.03430082397953, -0.00466043876332, 2555164.4], [2.890871144776878e-9, 0.000008983055095805407, -3.068298e-8, 7.47137025468032, -0.00000353937994, -0.02145144861037, -0.00001234426596, 0.00010322952773, -0.00000323890364, 826088.5]], LL2MC: [[-0.0015702102444, 111320.7020616939, 1704480524535203, -10338987376042340, 26112667856603880, -35149669176653700, 26595700718403920, -10725012454188240, 1800819912950474, 82.5], [0.0008277824516172526, 111320.7020463578, 647795574.6671607, -4082003173.641316, 10774905663.51142, -15171875531.51559, 12053065338.62167, -5124939663.577472, 913311935.9512032, 67.5], [0.00337398766765, 111320.7020202162, 4481351.045890365, -23393751.19931662, 79682215.47186455, -115964993.2797253, 97236711.15602145, -43661946.33752821, 8477230.501135234, 52.5], [0.00220636496208, 111320.7020209128, 51751.86112841131, 3796837.749470245, 992013.7397791013, -1221952.21711287, 1340652.697009075, -620943.6990984312, 144416.9293806241, 37.5], [-0.0003441963504368392, 111320.7020576856, 278.2353980772752, 2485758.690035394, 6070.750963243378, 54821.18345352118, 9540.606633304236, -2710.55326746645, 1405.483844121726, 22.5], [-0.0003218135878613132, 111320.7020701615, 0.00369383431289, 823725.6402795718, 0.46104986909093, 2351.343141331292, 1.58060784298199, 8.77738589078284, 0.37238884252424, 7.45]], getDistanceByMC: function (cG, cE) { if (!cG || !cE) { return 0 } var cC, cF, T, cD; cG = this.convertMC2LL(cG); if (!cG) { return 0 } cC = this.toRadians(cG.lng); cF = this.toRadians(; cE = this.convertMC2LL(cE); if (!cE) { return 0 } T = this.toRadians(cE.lng); cD = this.toRadians(; return this.getDistance(cC, T, cF, cD) }, getDistanceByLL: function (cG, cE) { if (!cG || !cE) { return 0 } cG.lng = this.getLoop(cG.lng, -180, 180); = this.getRange(, -74, 74); cE.lng = this.getLoop(cE.lng, -180, 180); = this.getRange(, -74, 74); var cC, T, cF, cD; cC = this.toRadians(cG.lng); cF = this.toRadians(; T = this.toRadians(cE.lng); cD = this.toRadians(; return this.getDistance(cC, T, cF, cD) }, convertMC2LL: function (cC) { var cD, cF; cD = new b4(Math.abs(cC.lng), Math.abs(; for (var cE = 0; cE < this.MCBAND.length; cE++) { if ( >= this.MCBAND[cE]) { cF = this.MC2LL[cE]; break } } var T = this.convertor(cC, cF); var cC = new b4(T.lng.toFixed(6),; return cC }, convertLL2MC: function (T) { var cC, cE; T.lng = this.getLoop(T.lng, -180, 180); = this.getRange(, -74, 74); cC = new b4(T.lng,; for (var cD = 0; cD < this.LLBAND.length; cD++) { if ( >= this.LLBAND[cD]) { cE = this.LL2MC[cD]; break } } if (!cE) { for (var cD = this.LLBAND.length - 1; cD >= 0; cD--) { if ( <= -this.LLBAND[cD]) { cE = this.LL2MC[cD]; break } } } var cF = this.convertor(T, cE); var T = new b4(cF.lng.toFixed(2),; return T }, convertor: function (cD, cE) { if (!cD || !cE) { return } var T = cE[0] + cE[1] * Math.abs(cD.lng); var cC = Math.abs( / cE[9]; var cF = cE[2] + cE[3] * cC + cE[4] * cC * cC + cE[5] * cC * cC * cC + cE[6] * cC * cC * cC * cC + cE[7] * cC * cC * cC * cC * cC + cE[8] * cC * cC * cC * cC * cC * cC; T *= (cD.lng < 0 ? -1 : 1); cF *= ( < 0 ? -1 : 1); return new b4(T, cF) }, getDistance: function (cC, T, cE, cD) { return this.EARTHRADIUS * Math.acos((Math.sin(cE) * Math.sin(cD) + Math.cos(cE) * Math.cos(cD) * Math.cos(T - cC))) }, toRadians: function (T) { return Math.PI * T / 180 }, toDegrees: function (T) { return (180 * T) / Math.PI }, getRange: function (cD, cC, T) { if (cC != null) { cD = Math.max(cD, cC) } if (T != null) { cD = Math.min(cD, T) } return cD }, getLoop: function (cD, cC, T) { while (cD > T) { cD -= T - cC } while (cD < cC) { cD += T - cC } return cD } }); a1.extend(a3.prototype, { lngLatToMercator: function (T) { return a3.convertLL2MC(T) }, lngLatToPoint: function (T) { var cC = a3.convertLL2MC(T); return new bn(cC.lng, }, mercatorToLngLat: function (T) { return a3.convertMC2LL(T) }, pointToLngLat: function (T) { var cC = new b4(T.x, T.y); return a3.convertMC2LL(cC) }, pointToPixel: function (cC, cG, cF, cE, cH) { if (!cC) { return } cC = this.lngLatToMercator(cC, cH); var cD = this.getZoomUnits(cG); var T = Math.round((cC.lng - cF.lng) / cD + cE.width / 2); var cI = Math.round(( - / cD + cE.height / 2); return new bn(T, cI) }, pixelToPoint: function (T, cJ, cF, cD, cC) { if (!T) { return } var cI = this.getZoomUnits(cJ); var cG = cF.lng + cI * (T.x - cD.width / 2); var cE = - cI * (T.y - cD.height / 2); var cH = new b4(cG, cE); return this.mercatorToLngLat(cH, cC) }, getZoomUnits: function (T) { return Math.pow(2, (18 - T)) } }); function cv() { } cv.prototype = new a3(); a1.extend(cv.prototype, { lngLatToMercator: function (cC, T) { return this._convert2DTo3D(T, a3.convertLL2MC(cC)) }, mercatorToLngLat: function (cC, T) { return a3.convertMC2LL(this._convert3DTo2D(T, cC)) }, lngLatToPoint: function (cD, T) { var cC = this._convert2DTo3D(T, a3.convertLL2MC(cD)); return new bn(cC.lng, }, pointToLngLat: function (cC, T) { var cD = new b4(cC.x, cC.y); return a3.convertMC2LL(this._convert3DTo2D(T, cD)) }, _convert2DTo3D: function (cD, T) { var cC = bX.getOMap_pts(cD || "bj", T); return new b4(cC.x, cC.y) }, _convert3DTo2D: function (cD, T) { var cC = bX.getMapJw_pts(cD || "bj", T); return new b4(cC.lng, }, getZoomUnits: function (T) { return Math.pow(2, (20 - T)) } }); function bz() { this._type = "overlay" } a1.lang.inherits(bz, a1.lang.Class, "Overlay"); bz.getZIndex = function (T) { T = T * 1; if (!T) { return 0 } return (T * -100000) << 1 }; a1.extend(bz.prototype, { _i: function (T) { if (!this.domElement && G(this.initialize)) { this.domElement = this.initialize(T); if (this.domElement) { = "none" } } this.draw() }, initialize: function (T) { throw"initialize\u65b9\u6cd5\u672a\u5b9e\u73b0" }, draw: function () { throw"draw\u65b9\u6cd5\u672a\u5b9e\u73b0" }, remove: function () { if (this.domElement && this.domElement.parentNode) { this.domElement.parentNode.removeChild(this.domElement) } this.domElement = null; this.dispatchEvent(new a9("onremove")) }, hide: function () { if (this.domElement) { a1.dom.hide(this.domElement) } }, show: function () { if (this.domElement) { } }, isVisible: function () { if (!this.domElement) { return false } if ( == "none" || == "hidden") { return false } return true } }); BMap.register(function (cD) { var T = cD.temp; T.overlayDiv = cD.overlayDiv = cC(cD.platform, 200); cD._panes.floatPane = cC(T.overlayDiv, 800); cD._panes.markerMouseTarget = cC(T.overlayDiv, 700); cD._panes.floatShadow = cC(T.overlayDiv, 600); cD._panes.labelPane = cC(T.overlayDiv, 500); cD._panes.markerPane = cC(T.overlayDiv, 400); cD._panes.markerShadow = cC(T.overlayDiv, 300); cD._panes.mapPane = cC(T.overlayDiv, 200); function cC(cE, cH) { var cG = W("div"), cF =; cF.position = "absolute"; = cF.left = cF.width = cF.height = "0"; cF.zIndex = cH; cE.appendChild(cG); return cG } }); function U() {;; = null; this._visible = true; this.infoWindow = null; this._dblclickTime = 0 } a1.lang.inherits(U, bz, "OverlayInternal"); a1.extend(U.prototype, { initialize: function (T) { = T;, this.guid); return null }, getMap: function () { return }, draw: function () { }, remove: function () { = null; a1.lang.decontrol(this.guid); }, hide: function () { if (this._visible == false) { return } this._visible = false }, show: function () { if (this._visible == true) { return } this._visible = true }, isVisible: function () { if (!this.domElement) { return false } return !!this._visible }, getContainer: function () { return this.domElement }, setConfig: function (cC) { cC = cC || {}; for (var T in cC) { this._config[T] = cC[T] } }, setZIndex: function (T) { this.zIndex = T }, enableMassClear: function () { this._config.enableMassClear = true }, disableMassClear: function () { this._config.enableMassClear = false }, addContextMenu: function (T) { this._menu = T }, removeContextMenu: function (T) { this._menu = null } }); function cj() { = null; this._overlays = {}; this._customOverlays = [] } BMap.register(function (cC) { var T = new cj(); = cC; cC._overlays = T._overlays; cC._customOverlays = T._customOverlays; cC.addEventListener("load", function (cD) { T.draw(cD) }); cC.addEventListener("moveend", function (cD) { T.draw(cD) }); if ( && < 8 || document.compatMode == "BackCompat") { cC.addEventListener("zoomend", function (cD) { setTimeout(function () { T.draw(cD) }, 20) }) } else { cC.addEventListener("zoomend", function (cD) { T.draw(cD) }) } cC.addEventListener("maptypechange", function (cD) { T.draw(cD) }); cC.addEventListener("addoverlay", function (cH) { var cE =; if (cE instanceof U) { if (!T._overlays[cE.guid]) { T._overlays[cE.guid] = cE } } else { var cG = false; for (var cF = 0, cD = T._customOverlays.length; cF < cD; cF++) { if (T._customOverlays[cF] === cE) { cG = true; break } } if (!cG) { T._customOverlays.push(cE) } } }); cC.addEventListener("removeoverlay", function (cG) { var cE =; if (cE instanceof U) { delete T._overlays[cE.guid] } else { for (var cF = 0, cD = T._customOverlays.length; cF < cD; cF++) { if (T._customOverlays[cF] === cE) { T._customOverlays.splice(cF, 1); break } } } }); cC.addEventListener("clearoverlays", function (cG) { this.closeInfoWindow(); for (var cF in T._overlays) { if (T._overlays[cF]._config.enableMassClear) { T._overlays[cF].remove(); delete T._overlays[cF] } } for (var cE = 0, cD = T._customOverlays.length; cE < cD; cE++) { if (T._customOverlays[cE].enableMassClear != false) { T._customOverlays[cE].remove(); T._customOverlays[cE] = null; T._customOverlays.splice(cE, 1); cE--; cD-- } } }); cC.addEventListener("infowindowopen", function (cE) { var cD = this.infoWindow; if (cD) { a1.dom.hide(cD.popDom); a1.dom.hide(cD.shadowDom) } }); cC.addEventListener("movestart", function () { if (this.getInfoWindow()) { this.getInfoWindow()._setOverflow() } }); cC.addEventListener("moveend", function () { if (this.getInfoWindow()) { this.getInfoWindow()._resetOverflow() } }) }); cj.prototype.draw = function (cD) { for (var cC in this._overlays) { this._overlays[cC].draw() } a1.array.each(this._customOverlays, function (cE) { cE.draw() }); if ( { } if (BMap.DrawerSelector) { var T = BMap.DrawerSelector.getDrawer(; T.setPalette() } }; function cw(T) {; this._config = { strokeColor: "#3a6bdb", strokeWeight: 5, strokeOpacity: 0.65, strokeStyle: "solid", enableMassClear: true, getParseTolerance: null, getParseCacheIndex: null, enableEditing: false, mouseOverTolerance: 15, use3DCoords: false, clickable: true }; T = T || {}; this.setConfig(T); if (this._config.strokeWeight <= 0) { this._config.strokeWeight = 5 } if (this._config.strokeOpacity < 0 || this._config.strokeOpacity > 1) { this._config.strokeOpacity = 0.65 } if (this._config.fillOpacity < 0 || this._config.fillOpacity > 1) { this._config.fillOpacity = 0.65 } if (this._config.strokeStyle != "solid" && this._config.strokeStyle != "dashed") { this._config.strokeStyle = "solid" } if (b8(T.enableClicking)) { this._config.clickable = T.enableClicking } this.domElement = null; this._bounds = new BMap.Bounds(0, 0, 0, 0); this._parseCache = []; this.vertexMarkers = []; this._temp = {} } a1.lang.inherits(cw, U, "Graph"); cw.getGraphPoints = function (cC) { var T = []; if (!cC) { return T } if (bV(cC)) { var cD = cC.split(";"); a1.array.each(cD, function (cF) { var cE = cF.split(","); T.push(new b4(cE[0], cE[1])) }) } if (cC.constructor == Array && cC.length > 0) { T = cC } return T }; cw.parseTolerance = [0.09, 0.005, 0.0001, 0.00001]; a1.extend(cw.prototype, { initialize: function (T) { = T; return null }, draw: function () { return; if (!this.domElement) { return } if (this._drawer) { this._drawer.setPath(this.domElement, this._getDisplayPixels(this.points)) } }, setPath: function (T) { this._parseCache.length = 0; this.points = cw.getGraphPoints(T).slice(0); this._calcBounds() }, _calcBounds: function () { if (!this.points) { return } var T = this; T._bounds = new bF(); a1.array.each(this.points, function (cC) { T._bounds.extend(cC) }) }, getPath: function () { return this.points }, setPositionAt: function (cC, T) { if (!T || !this.points[cC]) { return } this._parseCache.length = 0; this.points[cC] = new b4(T.lng,; this._calcBounds() }, setStrokeColor: function (T) { this._config.strokeColor = T }, getStrokeColor: function () { return this._config.strokeColor }, setStrokeWeight: function (T) { if (T > 0) { this._config.strokeWeight = T } }, getStrokeWeight: function () { return this._config.strokeWeight }, setStrokeOpacity: function (T) { if (!T || T > 1 || T < 0) { return } this._config.strokeOpacity = T }, getStrokeOpacity: function () { return this._config.strokeOpacity }, setFillOpacity: function (T) { if (T > 1 || T < 0) { return } this._config.fillOpacity = T }, getFillOpacity: function () { return this._config.fillOpacity }, setStrokeStyle: function (T) { if (T != "solid" && T != "dashed") { return } this._config.strokeStyle = T }, getStrokeStyle: function () { return this._config.strokeStyle }, setFillColor: function (T) { this._config.fillColor = T || "" }, getFillColor: function () { return this._config.fillColor }, getBounds: function () { return this._bounds }, remove: function () { if ( {"onmousemove", this._graphMouseEvent) }; this._parseCache.length = 0 }, enableEditing: function () { this._config.enableEditing = true }, disableEditing: function () { this._config.enableEditing = false } }); function l(T) {; = null; this.domElement = null; this._config = { width: 0, height: 0, offset: new aB(0, 0), opacity: 1, background: "transparent", lineStroke: 1, lineColor: "#000", lineStyle: "solid", point: null }; this.setConfig(T); this.point = this._config.point } a1.lang.inherits(l, U, "Division"); a1.extend(l.prototype, { _addDom: function () { var T = this._config; var cD = this.content; var cC = ['
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"); this.domElement = an(, cC.join("")) }, initialize: function (T) { = T; this._addDom(); if (this.domElement) { a1.on(this.domElement, "mousedown", function (cC) { aJ(cC) }) } return this.domElement }, draw: function () { var T =; this._config.offset = new aB(-Math.round(this._config.width / 2) - Math.round(this._config.lineStroke), -Math.round(this._config.height / 2) - Math.round(this._config.lineStroke)); = T.x + this._config.offset.width + "px"; = T.y + this._config.offset.height + "px" }, getPosition: function () { return this._config.point }, _getPixel: function (T) { return }, setPosition: function (T) { this._config.point = T; this.draw() }, setDimension: function (T, cC) { this._config.width = Math.round(T); this._config.height = Math.round(cC); if (this.domElement) { = this._config.width + "px"; = this._config.height + "px"; this.draw() } } }); function K(cC, cD, cE) { if (!cC || !cD) { return } this.imageUrl = cC; this.size = cD; var T = new aB(Math.floor(cD.width / 2), Math.floor(cD.height / 2)); var cF = {anchor: T, imageOffset: new aB(0, 0)}; cE = cE || {}; a1.extend(cF, cE); this.anchor = cF.anchor; this.imageOffset = cF.imageOffset; this.infoWindowAnchor = cE.infoWindowAnchor || this.anchor; this.printImageUrl = cE.printImageUrl || "" } var bw = K.prototype; bw.setImageUrl = function (T) { if (!T) { return } this.imageUrl = T }; bw.setPrintImageUrl = function (T) { if (!T) { return } this.printImageUrl = T }; bw.setSize = function (T) { if (!T) { return } this.size = new aB(T.width, T.height) }; bw.setAnchor = function (T) { if (!T) { return } this.anchor = new aB(T.width, T.height) }; bw.setImageOffset = function (T) { if (!T) { return } this.imageOffset = new aB(T.width, T.height) }; bw.setInfoWindowAnchor = function (T) { if (!T) { return } this.infoWindowAnchor = new aB(T.width, T.height) }; bw.toString = function () { return "Icon" }; function bH(cD, cC) {; this.content = cD; = null; this._config = { width: 0, height: 0, maxWidth: 600, offset: new aB(0, 0), title: "", maxContent: "", enableMaximize: false, enableAutoPan: true, enableCloseOnClick: true, margin: [10, 10, 40, 10], collisions: [[10, 10], [10, 10], [10, 10], [10, 10]], ifMaxScene: false, onClosing: function () { return true } }; a1.extend(this._config, cC || {}); if (this._config.width != 0) { if (this._config.width < 220) { this._config.width = 220 } if (this._config.width > 730) { this._config.width = 730 } } if (this._config.height != 0) { if (this._config.height < 60) { this._config.height = 60 } if (this._config.height > 650) { this._config.height = 650 } } if (this._config.maxWidth != 0) { if (this._config.maxWidth < 220) { this._config.maxWidth = 220 } if (this._config.maxWidth > 730) { this._config.maxWidth = 730 } } this.isWinMax = false; this.IMG_PATH = b3.imgPath; this.overlay = null; var T = this; cr.load("infowindow", function () { T._draw() }) } a1.lang.inherits(bH, a1.lang.Class, "InfoWindow"); a1.extend(bH.prototype, { setWidth: function (T) { if (!T && T != 0 || isNaN(T) || T < 0) { return } if (T != 0) { if (T < 220) { T = 220 } if (T > 730) { T = 730 } } this._config.width = T }, setHeight: function (T) { if (!T && T != 0 || isNaN(T) || T < 0) { return } if (T != 0) { if (T < 60) { T = 60 } if (T > 650) { T = 650 } } this._config.height = T }, setMaxWidth: function (T) { if (!T && T != 0 || isNaN(T) || T < 0) { return } if (T != 0) { if (T < 220) { T = 220 } if (T > 730) { T = 730 } } this._config.maxWidth = T }, setTitle: function (T) { this._config.title = T }, getTitle: function () { return this._config.title }, setContent: function (T) { this.content = T }, getContent: function () { return this.content }, setMaxContent: function (T) { this._config.maxContent = T + "" }, redraw: function () { }, enableAutoPan: function () { this._config.enableAutoPan = true }, disableAutoPan: function () { this._config.enableAutoPan = false }, enableCloseOnClick: function () { this._config.enableCloseOnClick = true }, disableCloseOnClick: function () { this._config.enableCloseOnClick = false }, enableMaximize: function () { this._config.enableMaximize = true }, disableMaximize: function () { this._config.enableMaximize = false }, show: function () { this._visible = true }, hide: function () { this._visible = false }, close: function () { this.hide() }, maximize: function () { this.isWinMax = true }, restore: function () { this.isWinMax = false }, isVisible: function () { return this.isOpen() }, isOpen: function () { return false }, getPosition: function () { if (this.overlay && this.overlay.getPosition) { return this.overlay.getPosition() } }, getOffset: function () { return this._config.offset } }); bs.prototype.openInfoWindow = function (cE, T) { if (!(cE instanceof bH) || !(T instanceof b4)) { return } var cC = this.temp; if (!cC.marker) { var cD = new K(b3.imgPath + "blank.gif", {width: 1, height: 1}); cC.marker = new Z(T, { icon: cD, width: 1, height: 1, offset: new aB(0, 0), infoWindowOffset: new aB(0, 0), clickable: false }); cC.marker._fromMap = 1 } else { cC.marker.setPosition(T) } this.addOverlay(cC.marker); cC.marker.openInfoWindow(cE) }; bs.prototype.closeInfoWindow = function () { var T = this.temp.infoWin || this.temp._infoWin; if (T && T.overlay) { T.overlay.closeInfoWindow() } }; U.prototype.openInfoWindow = function (T) { if ( {; T._visible = true; = T; T.overlay = this;, T.guid) } }; U.prototype.closeInfoWindow = function () { if ( && { = false; a1.lang.decontrol(; = null } }; function ac(cD, cC) {; this.content = cD; = null; this.domElement = null; this._config = { width: 0, offset: new aB(0, 0), styles: { backgroundColor: "#fff", border: "1px solid #f00", padding: "1px", whiteSpace: "nowrap", font: "12px " + b3.fontFamily, zIndex: "80", MozUserSelect: "none" }, position: null, enableMassClear: true, clickable: true }; cC = cC || {}; this.setConfig(cC); if (this._config.width < 0) { this._config.width = 0 } if (b8(cC.enableClicking)) { this._config.clickable = cC.enableClicking } this.point = this._config.position; var T = this; cr.load("marker", function () { T._draw() }) } a1.lang.inherits(ac, U, "Label"); a1.extend(ac.prototype, { getPosition: function () { if (this._marker) { return this._marker.getPosition() } return this.point }, setPosition: function (T) { if (T instanceof b4 && !this.getMarker()) { this.point = this._config.position = new b4(T.lng, } }, setContent: function (T) { this.content = T }, setOpacity: function (T) { if (T >= 0 && T <= 1) { this._config.opacity = T } }, setOffset: function (T) { if (!(T instanceof aB)) { return } this._config.offset = new aB(T.width, T.height) }, getOffset: function () { return this._config.offset }, setStyle: function (T) { T = T || {}; this._config.styles = a1.extend(this._config.styles, T) }, setStyles: function (T) { return this.setStyle(T) }, setTitle: function (T) { this._config.title = T || "" }, getTitle: function () { return this._config.title }, setMarker: function (T) { this._marker = T; if (T) { this.point = this._config.position = T.getPosition() } else { this.point = this._config.position = null } }, getMarker: function () { return this._marker || null } }); window.BMAP_ANIMATION_DROP = 1; window.BMAP_ANIMATION_BOUNCE = 2; var ao = new K(b3.imgPath + "marker_red_sprite.png", new aB(19, 25), { anchor: new aB(10, 25), infoWindowAnchor: new aB(10, 0) }); var am = new K(b3.imgPath + "marker_red_sprite.png", new aB(20, 11), { anchor: new aB(6, 11), imageOffset: new aB(-19, -13) }); function Z(T, cD) {; cD = cD || {}; this.point = T; = null; this._animation = null; this._config = { offset: new aB(0, 0), icon: ao, shadow: am, title: "", label: null, baseZIndex: 0, clickable: true, zIndexFixed: false, isTop: false, enableMassClear: true, enableDragging: false, raiseOnDrag: false, restrictDraggingArea: false, draggingCursor: b3.draggingCursor }; this.setConfig(cD); if (cD.icon && !cD.shadow) { this._config.shadow = null } if (b8(cD.enableClicking)) { this._config.clickable = cD.enableClicking } var cC = this; cr.load("marker", function () { cC._draw() }) } Z.TOP_ZINDEX = bz.getZIndex(-90) + 1000000; Z.DRAG_ZINDEX = Z.TOP_ZINDEX + 1000000; a1.lang.inherits(Z, U, "Marker"); a1.extend(Z.prototype, { setIcon: function (T) { if (T instanceof K) { this._config.icon = T } }, getIcon: function () { return this._config.icon }, setShadow: function (T) { if (T instanceof K) { this._config.shadow = T } }, getShadow: function () { return this._config.shadow }, setLabel: function (T) { this._config.label = T || null }, getLabel: function () { return this._config.label }, enableDragging: function () { this._config.enableDragging = true }, disableDragging: function () { this._config.enableDragging = false }, getPosition: function () { return this.point }, setPosition: function (T) { if (T instanceof b4) { this.point = new b4(T.lng, } }, setTop: function (cC, T) { this._config.isTop = !!cC; if (cC) { this._addi = T || 0 } }, setTitle: function (T) { this._config.title = T + "" }, getTitle: function () { return this._config.title }, setOffset: function (T) { if (T instanceof aB) { this._config.offset = T } }, getOffset: function () { return this._config.offset }, setAnimation: function (T) { this._animation = T } }); function ce(T, cD) {, cD); cD = cD || {}; this._config.fillOpacity = cD.fillOpacity ? cD.fillOpacity : 0.65; if (cD.fillColor == "") { this._config.fillColor = "" } else { this._config.fillColor = cD.fillColor ? cD.fillColor : "#fff" } this.setPath(T); var cC = this; cr.load("poly", function () { cC._draw() }) } a1.lang.inherits(ce, cw, "Polygon"); a1.extend(ce.prototype, { setPath: function (cC, T) { this._userPoints = cw.getGraphPoints(cC).slice(0); var cD = cw.getGraphPoints(cC).slice(0); if (cD.length > 1 && !cD[0].equals(cD[cD.length - 1])) { cD.push(new b4(cD[0].lng, cD[0].lat)) }, cD, T) }, setPositionAt: function (cC, T) { if (!this._userPoints[cC]) { return } this._userPoints[cC] = new b4(T.lng,; this.points[cC] = new b4(T.lng,; if (cC == 0 && !this.points[0].equals(this.points[this.points.length - 1])) { this.points[this.points.length - 1] = new b4(T.lng, } this._calcBounds() }, getPath: function () { var T = this._userPoints; if (T.length == 0) { T = this.points } return T } }); function f(T, cD) {, cD); this.setPath(T); var cC = this; cr.load("poly", function () { cC._draw() }) } a1.lang.inherits(f, cw, "Polyline"); function a(cC, T, cD) { this.point = cC; this.radius = Math.abs(T);, [], cD) } a.parseTolerance = [0.01, 0.0001, 0.00001, 0.000004]; a1.lang.inherits(a, ce, "Circle"); a1.extend(a.prototype, { initialize: function (T) { = T; this.points = this._getPerimeterPoints(this.point, this.radius); this._calcBounds(); return null }, getCenter: function () { return this.point }, setCenter: function (T, cC) { if (!T) { return } this.point = T }, getRadius: function () { return this.radius }, setRadius: function (T) { this.radius = Math.abs(T) }, _getPerimeterPoints: function (T, cJ) { if (!T || !cJ || ! { return [] } var cC =; var cG = T.lng, cE =; var cQ = []; var cL = cJ / 6378800, cI = (Math.PI / 180) * cE, cO = (Math.PI / 180) * cG; for (var cH = 0; cH < 360; cH += 9) { var cF = (Math.PI / 180) * cH, cM = Math.asin(Math.sin(cI) * Math.cos(cL) + Math.cos(cI) * Math.sin(cL) * Math.cos(cF)), cK = Math.atan2(Math.sin(cF) * Math.sin(cL) * Math.cos(cI), Math.cos(cL) - Math.sin(cI) * Math.sin(cM)), cN = ((cO - cK + Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI)) - Math.PI, cP = new b4(cN * (180 / Math.PI), cM * (180 / Math.PI)); cQ.push(cP) } var cD = cQ[0]; cQ.push(new b4(cD.lng,; return cQ } }); function bJ(T) { = T; this.mapTypeLayers = []; this.tileLayers = []; this.bufferNumber = 300; this.realBufferNumber = 0; this.mapTiles = {}; this.bufferTiles = {}; this.numLoading = 0; this._mapTypeLayerContainer = this._createDiv(1); this._normalLayerContainer = this._createDiv(2); T.platform.appendChild(this._mapTypeLayerContainer); T.platform.appendChild(this._normalLayerContainer) } BMap.register(function (cC) { var T = new bJ(cC); T.initialize() }); a1.extend(bJ.prototype, { initialize: function () { var T = this, cC =; cC.addEventListener("loadcode", function () { T.loadTiles() }); cC.addEventListener("addtilelayer", function (cD) { T.addTileLayer(cD) }); cC.addEventListener("removetilelayer", function (cD) { T.removeTileLayer(cD) }); cC.addEventListener("setmaptype", function (cD) { T.setMapType(cD) }); cC.addEventListener("zoomstartcode", function (cD) { T._zoom(cD) }) }, loadTiles: function () { var T = this; if ( { try { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true) } catch (cC) { } } if (!this.loaded) { T.initMapTypeTiles() } T.moveGridTiles(); if (!this.loaded) { this.loaded = true; cr.load("tile", function () { T._asyncLoadTiles() }) } }, initMapTypeTiles: function () { var cC =; var cD = cC.getTileLayers(); for (var T = 0; T < cD.length; T++) { var cE = new n(); a1.extend(cE, cD[T]); this.mapTypeLayers.push(cE); cE.initialize(, this._mapTypeLayerContainer) } }, _createDiv: function (cC) { var T = W("div"); = "absolute"; = = "0"; = cC; return T }, showTile: function (cG, cF, cJ) { var cM = this; cM.centerPos = cF; var cI =; var cD = cM.getTileName(cG, cJ); var cQ = cI.getTileSize(); var cE = (cG[0] * cQ) + cF[0]; var cP = 0; if (cI === BMAP_PERSPECTIVE_MAP && == 15) { cP = 0.5 } var cC = (cP - 1 - cG[1]) * cQ + cF[1]; var cK = [cE, cC]; var cL = this.mapTiles[cD]; if (cL && cL.img) { bB(cL.img, cK); if (cL.loaded) { this._checkTilesLoaded() } else { cL._addLoadCbk(function () { cM._checkTilesLoaded() }) } return } cL = this.bufferTiles[cD]; if (cL && cL.img) { cJ.tilesDiv.insertBefore(cL.img, cJ.tilesDiv.lastChild); this.mapTiles[cD] = cL; bB(cL.img, cK); if (cL.loaded) { this._checkTilesLoaded() } else { cL._addLoadCbk(function () { cM._checkTilesLoaded() }) } return } var cO = 256 * Math.pow(2, (cI.getMaxZoom() - cG[2])); var cN = new b4(cG[0] * cO, cG[1] * cO); var cH = new bn(cG[0], cG[1]); var T = cJ.getTilesUrl(cH, cG[2]); cL = new bM(this, T, cK, cG, cJ); cL._addLoadCbk(function () { cM._checkTilesLoaded() }); cL._load(); this.mapTiles[cD] = cL }, _checkTilesLoaded: function () { this.numLoading--; var T = this; if (this.numLoading == 0) { if (this._checkLoadedTimer) { clearTimeout(this._checkLoadedTimer); this._checkLoadedTimer = null } this._checkLoadedTimer = setTimeout(function () { if (T.numLoading == 0) { a9("ontilesloaded")) } T._checkLoadedTimer = null }, 80) } }, getTileName: function (T, cC) { if ( === BMAP_PERSPECTIVE_MAP) { return "TILE-" + cC.guid + "-" + + "-" + T[0] + "-" + T[1] + "-" + T[2] } else { return "TILE-" + cC.guid + "-" + T[0] + "-" + T[1] + "-" + T[2] } }, hideTile: function (cC) { var T = cC.img; if (T) { H(T); if (w(T)) { T.parentNode.removeChild(T) } } delete this.mapTiles[]; if (!cC.loaded) { H(T); T = null; cC._callCbks(); cC.img = null; cC.mgr = null } }, moveGridTiles: function () { var c1 = this.mapTypeLayers; var cN = c1.concat(this.tileLayers); var cT = cN.length; for (var cV = 0; cV < cT; cV++) { var cG = cN[cV]; if (cG.baseLayer) { this.tilesDiv = cG.tilesDiv } var c7 =; var c3 = c7.getMapType(); var c8 = c3.getProjection(); var cU = c7.zoomLevel; var cX = c7.mercatorCenter; this.mapCenterPoint = cX; var cL = c3.getZoomUnits(cU); var cO = c3.getZoomFactor(cU); var cM = Math.ceil(cX.lng / cO); var cH = Math.ceil( / cO); var cS = c3.getTileSize(); var cF = [cM, cH, (cX.lng - cM * cO) / cO * cS, ( - cH * cO) / cO * cS]; var c2 = cF[0] - Math.ceil((c7.width / 2 - cF[2]) / cS); var cE = cF[1] - Math.ceil((c7.height / 2 - cF[3]) / cS); var cY = cF[0] + Math.ceil((c7.width / 2 + cF[2]) / cS); var cQ = 0; if (c3 === BMAP_PERSPECTIVE_MAP && c7.getZoom() == 15) { cQ = 1 } var cP = cF[1] + Math.ceil((c7.height / 2 + cF[3]) / cS) + cQ; this.areaCenter = new b4(cX.lng,; var cD = this.mapTiles; var cK = -this.areaCenter.lng / cL; var cJ = / cL; var c5 = [Math.round(cK), Math.round(cJ)]; var cC = c7.getZoom(); for (var c6 in cD) { var c9 = cD[c6]; var c4 =; if (c4[2] != cC || (c4[2] == cC && (c2 > c4[0] || cY <= c4[0] || cE > c4[1] || cP <= c4[1]))) { this.hideTile(c9) } } var cI = -c7.offsetX + c7.width / 2; var cR = -c7.offsetY + c7.height / 2; = Math.round(cK + cI) - c5[0] + "px"; = Math.round(cJ + cR) - c5[1] + "px"; var T = []; for (var c0 = c2; c0 < cY; c0++) { for (var cZ = cE; cZ < cP; cZ++) { T.push([c0, cZ]) } } T.sort((function (da) { return function (db, dc) { return ((0.4 * Math.abs(db[0] - da[0]) + 0.6 * Math.abs(db[1] - da[1])) - (0.4 * Math.abs(dc[0] - da[0]) + 0.6 * Math.abs(dc[1] - da[1]))) } })([cF[0] - 1, cF[1] - 1])); this.numLoading += T.length; for (var c0 = 0, cW = T.length; c0 < cW; c0++) { this.showTile([T[c0][0], T[c0][1], cC], c5, cG) } } return }, addTileLayer: function (cE) { var cD = this; var T =; for (var cC = 0; cC < cD.tileLayers.length; cC++) { if (cD.tileLayers[cC] == T) { return } } T.initialize(, this._normalLayerContainer); cD.tileLayers.push(T) }, removeTileLayer: function (cF) { var cE = this; var cC =; for (var cD = 0, T = cE.tileLayers.length; cD < T; cD++) { if (cC == cE.tileLayers[cD]) { cE.tileLayers.splice(cD, 1) } } cC.remove() }, setMapType: function () { var cD = this; var cE = this.mapTypeLayers; for (var cC = 0, T = cE.length; cC < T; cC++) { cE[cC].remove() } delete this.tilesDiv; this.mapTypeLayers = []; this.bufferTiles = this.mapTiles = {}; this.initMapTypeTiles(); this.moveGridTiles() }, _zoom: function () { var T = this; if (T.zoomsDiv) { a1.dom.hide(T.zoomsDiv) } setTimeout(function () { T.moveGridTiles(); a9("onzoomend")) }, 10) } }); function bM(cI, T, cF, cC, cE) { this.mgr = cI; this.position = cF; this._cbks = []; = cI.getTileName(cC, cE); = cC; this._transparentPng = cE.isTransparentPng(); var cJ = W("img"); cn(cJ); cJ.galleryImg = false; var cH =; var cD =; cH.position = "absolute"; cH.border = "none"; cH.width = cD.getTileSize() + "px"; cH.height = cD.getTileSize() + "px"; cH.left = cF[0] + "px"; = cF[1] + "px"; this.img = cJ; this.src = T; if (C) { = 0 } var cG = this; this.img.onload = function (cP) { cG.loaded = true; if (!cG.mgr) { return } var cL = cG.mgr; var cK = cL.bufferTiles; if (!cK[]) { cL.realBufferNumber++; cK[] = cG } if (cG.img && !w(cG.img)) { if (cE.tilesDiv) { cE.tilesDiv.appendChild(cG.img); if ( <= 6 && > 0 && cG._transparentPng) { += ';filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="' + cG.src + '",sizingMethod=scale);' } } } var cN = cL.realBufferNumber - cL.bufferNumber; for (var cO in cK) { if (cN <= 0) { break } if (!cL.mapTiles[cO]) { cK[cO].mgr = null; var cM = cK[cO].img; if (cM && cM.parentNode) { cM.parentNode.removeChild(cM); H(cM) } cM = null; cK[cO].img = null; delete cK[cO]; cL.realBufferNumber--; cN-- } } if (C) { new g({ fps: 20, duration: 200, render: function (cQ) { if (cG.img && { = cQ * 1 } }, finish: function () { if (cG.img && { delete } } }) } cG._callCbks() }; this.img.onerror = function () { cG._callCbks(); if (!cG.mgr) { return } var cK = cG.mgr; var cL =; if (cL.getErrorImageUrl()) { cG.error = true; cG.img.src = cL.getErrorImageUrl(); if (cG.img && !w(cG.img)) { cE.tilesDiv.appendChild(cG.img) } } }; cJ = null } bM.prototype._addLoadCbk = function (T) { this._cbks.push(T) }; bM.prototype._load = function () { if ( > 0 && <= 6 && this._transparentPng) { this.img.src = b3.imgPath + "blank.gif" } else { this.img.src = this.src } }; bM.prototype._callCbks = function () { var cC = this; for (var T = 0; T < cC._cbks.length; T++) { cC._cbks[T]() } cC._cbks.length = 0 }; function H(cE) { if (!cE) { return } cE.onload = cE.onerror = null; var cC = cE.attributes, cD, T, cF; if (cC) { T = cC.length; for (cD = 0; cD < T; cD += 1) { cF = cC[cD].name; if (G(cE[cF])) { cE[cF] = null } } } cC = cE.children; if (cC) { T = cC.length; for (cD = 0; cD < T; cD += 1) { H(cE.children[cD]) } } } var C = (! || > 8); function n(T) { this.opts = T || {}; this.copyright = this.opts.copyright || null; this.transparentPng = this.opts.transparentPng || false; this.baseLayer = this.opts.baseLayer || false; this.zIndex = this.opts.zIndex || 0; this.guid = n._guid++ } n._guid = 0; a1.lang.inherits(n, a1.lang.Class, "TileLayer"); a1.extend(n.prototype, { initialize: function (cD, T) { if (this.baseLayer) { this.zIndex = -100 } = cD; if (!this.tilesDiv) { var cE = W("div"); var cC =; cC.position = "absolute"; cC.zIndex = this.zIndex; cC.left = Math.ceil(-cD.offsetX + cD.width / 2) + "px"; = Math.ceil(-cD.offsetY + cD.height / 2) + "px"; T.appendChild(cE); this.tilesDiv = cE } }, remove: function () { if (this.tilesDiv && this.tilesDiv.parentNode) { this.tilesDiv.innerHTML = ""; this.tilesDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.tilesDiv) } delete this.tilesDiv }, isTransparentPng: function () { return this.transparentPng }, getTilesUrl: function (cC, cD) { var T = ""; if (this.opts.tileUrlTemplate) { T = this.opts.tileUrlTemplate.replace(/\{X\}/, cC.x); T = T.replace(/\{Y\}/, cC.y); T = T.replace(/\{Z\}/, cD) } return T }, getCopyright: function () { return this.copyright }, getMapType: function () { return this.mapType || BMAP_NORMAL_MAP } }); function ax(T) {, T); this._opts = {}; T = T || {}; this._opts = a1.object.extend(this._opts, T); if (this._opts.predictDate) { if (this._opts.predictDate.weekday < 1 || this._opts.predictDate.weekday > 7) { this._opts.predictDate = 1 } if (this._opts.predictDate.hour < 0 || this._opts.predictDate.hour > 23) { this._opts.predictDate.hour = 0 } } this._tileUrl = "" } ax.prototype = new n(); ax.prototype.initialize = function (cC, T) {, cC, T); this._map = cC }; ax.prototype.isTransparentPng = function () { return true }; ax.prototype.getTilesUrl = function (cH, cC) { var cI = ""; if (this._opts.predictDate) { cI = "HistoryService?day=" + (this._opts.predictDate.weekday - 1) + "&hour=" + this._opts.predictDate.hour + "&t=" + new Date().getTime() + "&" } else { cI = "TrafficTileService?time=" + new Date().getTime() + "&" } var cD = this._map, cJ = cH.x, cE = cH.y, cG = Math.floor(cJ / 200), cF = Math.floor(cE / 200), T = this._tileUrl + cI + "level=" + cC + "&x=" + cJ + "&y=" + cE; return T.replace(/-(\d+)/gi, "M$1") }; function cl(T, cC, cD) { this._name = T; this._layers = cC instanceof n ? [cC] : cC.slice(0); this._opts = { tips: "", labelText: "", minZoom: 1, maxZoom: 19, tileSize: 256, textColor: "black", errorImageUrl: "", projection: new a3() }; if (this._layers.length == 1) { this._layers[0].baseLayer = true } a1.extend(this._opts, cD || {}) } a1.extend(cl.prototype, { getName: function () { return this._name }, getTips: function () { return }, getLabelText: function () { return this._opts.labelText }, getTileLayer: function () { return this._layers[0] }, getTileLayers: function () { return this._layers }, getTileSize: function () { return this._opts.tileSize }, getMinZoom: function () { return this._opts.minZoom }, getMaxZoom: function () { return this._opts.maxZoom }, getTextColor: function () { return this._opts.textColor }, getProjection: function () { return this._opts.projection }, getErrorImageUrl: function () { return this._opts.errorImageUrl }, getZoomUnits: function (T) { return Math.pow(2, (18 - T)) }, getZoomFactor: function (T) { return this.getZoomUnits(T) * 256 } }); var bY = ["", "", "", "", ""]; var i = ["", "", "", "", ""]; var aN = new n(); aN.getTilesUrl = function (cD, cG) { var cH = cD.x; var cE = cD.y; var T = "20150518"; var cF = "pl"; if ( { cF = "ph" } var cC = i[Math.abs(cH + cE) % i.length] + "?qt=tile&x=" + (cH + "").replace(/-/gi, "M") + "&y=" + (cE + "").replace(/-/gi, "M") + "&z=" + cG + "&styles=" + cF + ( == 6 ? "&color_dep=32&colors=50" : "") + "&udt=" + T; return cC.replace(/-(\d+)/gi, "M$1") }; window.BMAP_NORMAL_MAP = new cl("\u5730\u56fe", aN, {tips: "\u663e\u793a\u666e\u901a\u5730\u56fe"}); var bl = new n(); bl.tileUrls = ["", "", "", ""]; bl.getTilesUrl = function (T, cD) { var cF = T.x; var cC = T.y; var cE = Math.pow(2, (20 - cD)) * 256; cC = Math.round((9998336 - cE * (cC)) / cE) - 1; url = this.tileUrls[Math.abs(cF + cC) % this.tileUrls.length] + + "/" + + "/3/lv" + (21 - cD) + "/" + cF + "," + cC + ".jpg"; return url }; window.BMAP_PERSPECTIVE_MAP = new cl("\u4e09\u7ef4", bl, { tips: "\u663e\u793a\u4e09\u7ef4\u5730\u56fe", minZoom: 15, maxZoom: 20, textColor: "white", projection: new cv() }); BMAP_PERSPECTIVE_MAP.getZoomUnits = function (T) { return Math.pow(2, (20 - T)) }; BMAP_PERSPECTIVE_MAP.getCityName = function (T) { if (!T) { return "" } var cC = b3.cityNames; for (var cD in cC) { if ( > -1) { return cC[cD] } } return "" }; BMAP_PERSPECTIVE_MAP.getCityCode = function (T) { return ({bj: 2, gz: 1, sz: 14, sh: 4})[T] }; var bI = new n({baseLayer: true}); bI.getTilesUrl = function (cC, cE) { var cF = cC.x; var cD = cC.y; var T = bY[Math.abs(cF + cD) % bY.length] + "u=x=" + cF + ";y=" + cD + ";z=" + cE + ";v=009;type=sate&fm=46&udt=20141015"; return T.replace(/-(\d+)/gi, "M$1") }; window.BMAP_SATELLITE_MAP = new cl("\u536b\u661f", bI, { tips: "\u663e\u793a\u536b\u661f\u5f71\u50cf", minZoom: 1, maxZoom: 19, textColor: "white" }); var m = new n({transparentPng: true}); m.getTilesUrl = function (cE, cG) { var cH = cE.x; var cF = cE.y; var T = "20141015"; var cC = "015"; var cD = i[Math.abs(cH + cF) % i.length] + "?qt=tile&x=" + (cH + "").replace(/-/gi, "M") + "&y=" + (cF + "").replace(/-/gi, "M") + "&z=" + cG + "&styles=sl" + ( == 6 ? "&color_dep=32&colors=50" : "") + "&v=" + cC + "&udt=" + T; return cD.replace(/-(\d+)/gi, "M$1") }; window.BMAP_HYBRID_MAP = new cl("\u6df7\u5408", [bI, m], { tips: "\u663e\u793a\u5e26\u6709\u8857\u9053\u7684\u536b\u661f\u5f71\u50cf", labelText: "\u8def\u7f51", minZoom: 1, maxZoom: 19, textColor: "white" }); window.BMAP_POI_TYPE_NORMAL = 0; window.BMAP_POI_TYPE_BUSSTOP = 1; window.BMAP_POI_TYPE_BUSLINE = 2; window.BMAP_POI_TYPE_SUBSTOP = 3; window.BMAP_POI_TYPE_SUBLINE = 4; var F = 0; var ba = 1; var aj = {}; function u(cC, T) {; this._loc = {}; this.setLocation(cC); this._opts = { renderOptions: {panel: null, map: null, autoViewport: true}, onSearchComplete: function () { }, onMarkersSet: function () { }, onInfoHtmlSet: function () { }, onResultsHtmlSet: function () { }, onGetBusListComplete: function () { }, onGetBusLineComplete: function () { }, onBusListHtmlSet: function () { }, onBusLineHtmlSet: function () { }, onPolylinesSet: function () { }, reqFrom: "" }; a1.extend(this._opts, T); if (typeof T != "undefined" && typeof T.renderOptions != "undefined" && typeof T.renderOptions.autoViewport != "undefined") { this._opts.renderOptions.autoViewport = T.renderOptions.autoViewport } else { this._opts.renderOptions.autoViewport = true } this._opts.renderOptions.panel = a1.G(this._opts.renderOptions.panel) } a1.inherits(u, a1.lang.Class); a1.extend(u.prototype, { getResults: function () { if (!this._isMultiKey) { return this._results } else { return this._arrResults } }, enableAutoViewport: function () { this._opts.renderOptions.autoViewport = true }, disableAutoViewport: function () { this._opts.renderOptions.autoViewport = false }, setLocation: function (T) { if (!T) { return } this._loc.src = T }, setSearchCompleteCallback: function (T) { this._opts.onSearchComplete = T || function () { } }, setMarkersSetCallback: function (T) { this._opts.onMarkersSet = T || function () { } }, setPolylinesSetCallback: function (T) { this._opts.onPolylinesSet = T || function () { } }, setInfoHtmlSetCallback: function (T) { this._opts.onInfoHtmlSet = T || function () { } }, setResultsHtmlSetCallback: function (T) { this._opts.onResultsHtmlSet = T || function () { } }, getStatus: function () { return this._status } }); var a4 = { REQ_BASE_URL: "", request: function (cC, cI, T, cH) { var cD = (Math.random() * 100000).toFixed(0); BMap._rd["_cbk" + cD] = function (cJ) { T = T || {}; cC && cC(cJ, T); delete BMap._rd["_cbk" + cD] }; cH = cH || ""; var cF; if (T && T.useEncodeURI) { cF = M(cI, encodeURI) } else { cF = M(cI, encodeURIComponent) } var cG = this, cE = cG.REQ_BASE_URL + cH + "?" + cF + "&ie=utf-8&oue=1&res=api&callback=BMap._rd._cbk" + cD; co.request(cE) } }; BMap._rd = {}; var P = {}; P.removeHtml = function (T) { return T.replace(/<\/?b>/g, "") }; P.parseGeoExtReg1 = function (T) { return T.replace(/([1-9]\d*\.\d*|0\.\d*[1-9]\d*|0?\.0+|0|[1-9]\d*),([1-9]\d*\.\d*|0\.\d*[1-9]\d*|0?\.0+|0|[1-9]\d*)(,)/g, "$1,$2;") }; P.parseGeoExtReg2 = function (cC, T) { var cD = new RegExp("(((-?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?),((-?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?);)(((-?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?),((-?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?);){" + T + "}", "ig"); return cC.replace(cD, "$1") }; window.BMAP_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0; window.BMAP_STATUS_CITY_LIST = 1; window.BMAP_STATUS_UNKNOWN_LOCATION = 2; window.BMAP_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ROUTE = 3; window.BMAP_STATUS_INVALID_KEY = 4; window.BMAP_STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST = 5; window.BMAP_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED = 6; window.BMAP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 7; window.BMAP_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 8; window.BMAP_ROUTE_TYPE_WALKING = 2; window.BMAP_ROUTE_TYPE_DRIVING = 3; var cm = "cur"; var c = "cen"; var ca = "s"; var N = "con"; var ah = "bd"; var b2 = "nb"; var D = "bt"; var bE = "nav"; var bo = "walk"; var bt = "gc"; var d = "rgc"; var Q = "dec"; var aK = "bse"; var e = "nse"; var E = "bl"; var a8 = "bsl"; var aA = "bda"; var ae = "sa"; var aU = "nba"; var b9 = "drag"; var p = 2; var aY = 4; var bm = 7; var S = 11; var aH = 12; var bb = 14; var aV = 15; var cp = 18; var s = 20; var O = 21; var al = 26; var bx = 28; var x = 31; var bj = 35; var bv = 44; var ar = 45; var aa = 46; var bK = 47; var aT = -1; var X = 0; var ch = 1; var aZ = 2; var z = 3; var cz = ""; var v = ""; BMap.I = window.Instance = a1.lang.instance; var aX = function (cD, cC) {, cD, cC); cC = cC || {}; cC.renderOptions = cC.renderOptions || {}; this.setPageCapacity(cC.pageCapacity); if (typeof cC.renderOptions.selectFirstResult != "undefined" && !cC.renderOptions.selectFirstResult) { this.disableFirstResultSelection() } else { this.enableFirstResultSelection() } this._overlays = []; this._arrPois = []; this._curIndex = -1; this._queryList = []; var T = this; cr.load("local", function () { T._check() }) }; a1.inherits(aX, u, "LocalSearch"); aX.DEFAULT_PAGE_CAPACITY = 10; aX.MIN_PAGE_CAPACITY = 1; aX.MAX_PAGE_CAPACITY = 100; aX.DEFAULT_RADIUS = 2000; aX.MAX_RADIUS = 100000; a1.extend(aX.prototype, { search: function (T) { this._queryList.push({method: "search", arguments: [T]}) }, searchInBounds: function (T, cC) { this._queryList.push({method: "searchInBounds", arguments: [T, cC]}) }, searchNearby: function (cD, cC, T) { this._queryList.push({method: "searchNearby", arguments: [cD, cC, T]}) }, clearResults: function () { delete this._json; delete this._status; delete this._results; delete this._ud; this._curIndex = -1; this._setStatus(); if (this._opts.renderOptions.panel) { this._opts.renderOptions.panel.innerHTML = "" } }, gotoPage: function () { }, enableFirstResultSelection: function () { this._opts.renderOptions.selectFirstResult = true }, disableFirstResultSelection: function () { this._opts.renderOptions.selectFirstResult = false }, setPageCapacity: function (T) { if (typeof T == "number" && !isNaN(T)) { this._opts.pageCapacity = T < 1 ? aX.DEFAULT_PAGE_CAPACITY : (T > aX.MAX_PAGE_CAPACITY ? aX.DEFAULT_PAGE_CAPACITY : T) } else { this._opts.pageCapacity = aX.DEFAULT_PAGE_CAPACITY } }, getPageCapacity: function () { return this._opts.pageCapacity }, toString: function () { return "LocalSearch" } }); var bW = function (cC, T) {, cC, T) }; a1.inherits(bW, u, "BaseRoute"); a1.extend(bW.prototype, { clearResults: function () { } }); window.BMAP_TRANSIT_POLICY_LEAST_TIME = 0; window.BMAP_TRANSIT_POLICY_LEAST_TRANSFER = 2; window.BMAP_TRANSIT_POLICY_LEAST_WALKING = 3; window.BMAP_TRANSIT_POLICY_AVOID_SUBWAYS = 4; window.BMAP_LINE_TYPE_BUS = 0; window.BMAP_LINE_TYPE_SUBWAY = 1; window.BMAP_LINE_TYPE_FERRY = 2; function aO(cD, cC) {, cD, cC); cC = cC || {}; this.setPolicy(cC.policy); this.setPageCapacity(cC.pageCapacity); this.QUERY_TYPE = D; this.RETURN_TYPE = bb; this.ROUTE_TYPE = ba; this._overlays = []; this._curIndex = -1; this._queryList = []; var T = this; cr.load("route", function () { T._asyncSearch() }) } aO.MAX_PAGE_CAPACITY = 100; aO.LINE_TYPE_MAPPING = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]; a1.inherits(aO, bW, "TransitRoute"); a1.extend(aO.prototype, { setPolicy: function (T) { if (T >= BMAP_TRANSIT_POLICY_LEAST_TIME && T <= BMAP_TRANSIT_POLICY_AVOID_SUBWAYS) { this._opts.policy = T } else { this._opts.policy = BMAP_TRANSIT_POLICY_LEAST_TIME } }, _internalSearch: function (cC, T) { this._queryList.push({method: "_internalSearch", arguments: [cC, T]}) }, search: function (cC, T) { this._queryList.push({method: "search", arguments: [cC, T]}) }, setPageCapacity: function (T) { if (typeof T == "string") { T = parseInt(T); if (isNaN(T)) { this._opts.pageCapacity = aO.MAX_PAGE_CAPACITY; return } } if (typeof T != "number") { this._opts.pageCapacity = aO.MAX_PAGE_CAPACITY; return } if (T >= 1 && T <= aO.MAX_PAGE_CAPACITY) { this._opts.pageCapacity = Math.round(T) } else { this._opts.pageCapacity = aO.MAX_PAGE_CAPACITY } }, toString: function () { return "TransitRoute" }, _shortTitle: function (T) { return T.replace(/\(.*\)/, "") } }); window.BMAP_HIGHLIGHT_STEP = 1; window.BMAP_HIGHLIGHT_ROUTE = 2; var be = function (T, cE) {, T, cE); this._overlays = []; this._curIndex = -1; this._queryList = []; var cD = this; var cC = this._opts.renderOptions; if (cC.highlightMode != BMAP_HIGHLIGHT_STEP && cC.highlightMode != BMAP_HIGHLIGHT_ROUTE) { cC.highlightMode = BMAP_HIGHLIGHT_STEP } this._enableDragging = this._opts.renderOptions.enableDragging ? true : false; cr.load("route", function () { cD._asyncSearch() }) }; be.ROAD_TYPE = ["", "\u73af\u5c9b", "\u65e0\u5c5e\u6027\u9053\u8def", "\u4e3b\u8def", "\u9ad8\u901f\u8fde\u63a5\u8def", "\u4ea4\u53c9\u70b9\u5185\u8def\u6bb5", "\u8fde\u63a5\u9053\u8def", "\u505c\u8f66\u573a\u5185\u90e8\u9053\u8def", "\u670d\u52a1\u533a\u5185\u90e8\u9053\u8def", "\u6865", "\u6b65\u884c\u8857", "\u8f85\u8def", "\u531d\u9053", "\u5168\u5c01\u95ed\u9053\u8def", "\u672a\u5b9a\u4e49\u4ea4\u901a\u533a\u57df", "POI\u8fde\u63a5\u8def", "\u96a7\u9053", "\u6b65\u884c\u9053", "\u516c\u4ea4\u4e13\u7528\u9053", "\u63d0\u524d\u53f3\u8f6c\u9053"]; a1.inherits(be, bW, "DWRoute"); a1.extend(be.prototype, { search: function (cC, T) { this._queryList.push({method: "search", arguments: [cC, T]}) } }); window.BMAP_DRIVING_POLICY_LEAST_TIME = 0; window.BMAP_DRIVING_POLICY_LEAST_DISTANCE = 1; window.BMAP_DRIVING_POLICY_AVOID_HIGHWAYS = 2; function o(T, cC) {, T, cC); cC = cC || {}; this.setPolicy(cC.policy); this.QUERY_TYPE = bE; this.RETURN_TYPE = s; this.ROUTE_TYPE = BMAP_ROUTE_TYPE_DRIVING } a1.inherits(o, be, "DrivingRoute"); a1.extend(o.prototype, { setPolicy: function (T) { if (T >= BMAP_DRIVING_POLICY_LEAST_TIME && T <= BMAP_DRIVING_POLICY_AVOID_HIGHWAYS) { this._opts.policy = T } else { this._opts.policy = BMAP_DRIVING_POLICY_LEAST_TIME } } }); function cu(T, cC) {, T, cC); this.QUERY_TYPE = bo; this.RETURN_TYPE = x; this.ROUTE_TYPE = BMAP_ROUTE_TYPE_WALKING; this._enableDragging = false } a1.inherits(cu, be, "WalkingRoute"); function aR(cC) { this._opts = {}; a1.extend(this._opts, cC); this._queryList = []; var T = this; cr.load("othersearch", function () { T._asyncSearch() }) } a1.inherits(aR, a1.lang.Class, "Geocoder"); a1.extend(aR.prototype, { getPoint: function (T, cD, cC) { this._queryList.push({method: "getPoint", arguments: [T, cD, cC]}) }, getLocation: function (T, cD, cC) { this._queryList.push({method: "getLocation", arguments: [T, cD, cC]}) }, toString: function () { return "Geocoder" } }); function ag(cC) { this._opts = {}; a1.extend(this._opts, cC); this._queryList = []; var T = this; cr.load("othersearch", function () { T._asyncSearch() }) } a1.extend(ag.prototype, { getCurrentPosition: function (cC, T) { this._queryList.push({method: "getCurrentPosition", arguments: [cC, T]}) }, getStatus: function () { return this._status } }); function b0(cC) { this._opts = {renderOptions: {map: null}}; a1.extend(this._opts, cC); this._queryList = []; var T = this; cr.load("othersearch", function () { T._asyncSearch() }) } a1.inherits(b0, a1.lang.Class, "LocalCity"); a1.extend(b0.prototype, { get: function (T) { this._queryList.push({method: "get", arguments: [T]}) }, toString: function () { return "LocalCity" } }); function bf(cD, cC) {, cD, cC); this.QUERY_TYPE_BUSLIST = E; this.RETURN_TYPE_BUSLIST = aV; this.QUERY_TYPE_BUSLINE = a8; this.RETURN_TYPE_BUSLINE = cp; this._queryList = []; var T = this; cr.load("buslinesearch", function () { T._asyncSearch() }) } bf._iconOpen = b3.imgPath + "iw_plus.gif"; bf._iconClose = b3.imgPath + "iw_minus.gif"; bf._stopUrl = b3.imgPath + "stop_icon.png"; a1.inherits(bf, u); a1.extend(bf.prototype, { getBusList: function (T) { this._queryList.push({method: "getBusList", arguments: [T]}) }, getBusLine: function (T) { this._queryList.push({method: "getBusLine", arguments: [T]}) }, setGetBusListCompleteCallback: function (T) { this._opts.onGetBusListComplete = T || function () { } }, setGetBusLineCompleteCallback: function (T) { this._opts.onGetBusLineComplete = T || function () { } }, setBusListHtmlSetCallback: function (T) { this._opts.onBusListHtmlSet = T || function () { } }, setBusLineHtmlSetCallback: function (T) { this._opts.onBusLineHtmlSet = T || function () { } }, setPolylinesSetCallback: function (T) { this._opts.onPolylinesSet = T || function () { } } }); function br(cC) {, cC); cC = cC || {}; this._options = { input: null, types: [], onSearchComplete: function () { } }; a1.extend(this._options, cC); this._loc.src = cC.location || "\u5168\u56fd"; this._word = ""; this._show = false; this._suggestion = null; _addStat(5011); var T = this; cr.load("autocomplete", function () { T._asyncSearch() }) } a1.inherits(br, u, "Autocomplete"); a1.extend(br.prototype, { show: function () { this._show = true }, hide: function () { this._show = false }, setTypes: function (T) { this._options.types = T }, setLocation: function (T) { this._loc.src = T }, search: function (T) { this._word = T } }); function af(T, cC) { window.BMap[T] = cC } af("Map", bs); af("Hotspot", cd); af("MapType", cl); af("Point", b4); af("Pixel", bn); af("Size", aB); af("Bounds", bF); af("TileLayer", n); af("Projection", a6); af("MercatorProjection", a3); af("PerspectiveProjection", cv); af("Copyright", ap); af("Overlay", bz); af("Label", ac); af("Marker", Z); af("Icon", K); af("Polyline", f); af("Polygon", ce); af("InfoWindow", bH); af("Circle", a); af("Control", cg); af("NavigationControl", J); af("OverviewMapControl", cB); af("CopyrightControl", ai); af("ScaleControl", bC); af("MapTypeControl", aF); af("TrafficLayer", ax); af("ContextMenu", cq); af("MenuItem", a7); af("LocalSearch", aX); af("TransitRoute", aO); af("DrivingRoute", o); af("WalkingRoute", cu); af("Autocomplete", br); af("Geocoder", aR); af("LocalCity", b0); af("Geolocation", ag); af("BusLineSearch", bf); window.BMap.apiLoad(); })();